I need to get off the jinternet
Jeansus christ
Dang that’s good
hey it’s that molten person
Fuck, I thought I was original but here you are making the joke I thought I thought of over an hour before me.
Great minds think alike
That must be it.
This grass is tripping me out. There’s weird patterns in it, something is off. Might have to do with the noise that is used as input for these AI models. There are blobs of colour that are connected in a way that wouldn’t happen in normal grass
Yeah now that you mention it, I see the same thing. Still, having DALL-E do this in a few seconds was way more convenient for me than actually creating a horse from jeans and taking a picture.
Oh absolutely. It’s quite impressive that we can generate so many decent quality images of jeanified things this quickly. I’ve played around quite a bit with generative models during my data science degree and I’m very interested in the ways they get things wrong. It’s interesting to see how our brains sometimes pick up very subtle patterns like this.
I used to be into Sado-necro bestiality then I just realized I was beating a dead horse
Maybe it was a drug mule
Police say the suspect is seven feet tall, made of green clay, and goes by the name Gumby
Thanks, Jeans Balls!
Next time someone asks me what the J stands for, that’s the answer they’re getting.