That makes sense considering a journal can only be so many pages long.
That makes sense considering a journal can only be so many pages long.
I’m afraid you will run out of sources soon because every media outlet in the U.S. will have to kowtow to Trump demands if they want to stay in business. Even the foreign ones with U.S. bureaus.
If people have not read the novella that film (and the 1950s film) was based upon, Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell, Jr., I highly recommend it.
Here are a couple of options if you don’t want a proper eBook or physical book. The first is a straight scan, the second is a bit easier on the eyes.
No one says you have to care or you’re not within your rights to demand anything. However, and this may come as a shock, the world does not revolve around you.
And, believe it or not, I am within my rights to point out that you’re demanding someone do something when you don’t even know what they do and that’s silly.
(I always love it when people get indignant at a person using their right to say critical things as if it somehow prevents them from saying what the person is criticizing.)
He’s way ahead of you. And I’m sure you’re shocked, but it would not achieve anything.
Elon Musk has proposed terraforming Mars by detonating nuclear weapons on the Martian polar ice caps to vaporize them and release carbon dioxide and water vapor into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and water vapor are greenhouse gases, and the resultant thicker atmosphere would trap heat from the Sun, increasing the planet’s temperature. The formation of liquid water could be very favorable for oxygen-producing plants, and thus, human survival.[57][58][59][60][61]
Studies suggest that even if all the CO2 trapped in Mars’ polar ice and regolith were released, it would not be enough to provide significant greenhouse warming to turn Mars into an Earth-like planet.[57][62][63] Another criticism is that it would stir up enough dust and particles to block out a significant portion of the incoming sunlight, causing a nuclear winter, the opposite of the goal.[57]
Three men known for keeping their promises.
They appear not to be, but I am trying to inform them.
“Auditing” an entity doesn’t usually involve shutting down said entity indefinitely pending the audit which never comes
Thank goodness too since the IRS tends to audit non-wealthy people far more often than wealthy people. Imagine freezing some poor working person’s bank accounts because they were randomly chosen for an audit and some sort of red flag came up.
Maybe don’t insist someone “better fucking do something” if you have no idea what they can do.
The answer is that they can do nothing when the people in charge do not care about the law. But at least keeping this person in office pisses them off.
At least mine. Too bad it most often affects children or it might be quite helpful.
So when will you be doing it?
You could be unable to work on disability with an inherited house and get pretty much to that poverty line. Why isn’t that the same?
Why do I get the feeling that the person you are talking to would call those people either lucky or lazy?
This is what you said before:
You say you couldn’t even buy a house with a few million dollars? I could buy a house for $70,000.
For another $10,000 I could fit the house with solar, and use the other 900,000 to live off interest.
Where are you planning to live on that interest? Because it won’t be in that house.
I sure hope they didn’t. My faith in humanity drops to new lows daily, though.
Heroes do not murder children.
Please show me the peer-reviewed scientific journal that requires a minimum number of words per article.
Seems like these journals don’t have a word count minimum: https://paperpile.com/blog/shortest-papers/
AI makes it worse though. People will read a website they find on Google that someone wrote and say, “well that’s just what some guy thinks.” But when an AI says it, those same people think it’s authoritative. And now that they can talk, including with believable simulations of emotional vocal inflections, it’s going to get far, far worse.
Humans evolved to process auditory communications. We did not evolve to be able to read. So we tend to trust what we hear a lot more than we trust what we read. And companies like OpenAI are taking full advantage of that.
Unlike those others, Microsoft could do something about this considering they are literally part of the problem.
And yet I doubt Copilot will be going anywhere.
Be nice to him. He was only on his third bottle of the day when he was asked.
I once asked ChatGPT who I was and hallucinated this weird thing about me being a motivational speaker for businesses. I have a very unusual name and there is only one other person in the U.S. (now the only person in the U.S. since I just emigrated) with my name. And we don’t even have the same middle name. Neither of us are motivational speakers or ever were.
Then I asked it again and it said it had no idea who I was. Which is kind of insulting to my namesake since he won an Emmy award.