Anything: Series, video game, book, food, old toy from childhood, service, etc. Also, any series which you wish did not end, etc.
headphone jacks in phones
Honestly, the sd card is arguably more important. I mean, headphones, there are workarounds like adaptors or wireless. But being able to stick a 1tb sd card in is just sooo good, basically a portable PC. There is no workarounds for sd card slot.
Moto 5g stylus has both. I just bought my daughter one for Christmas. The downside is using a moto phone which have gone downhill imo since the Nexus 6. But my daughter is 10 and just wants a phone with a stylus for drawing stuff and it was only $99 with my fi plan so why not?
gone downhill imo since the Nexus 6
Nexus 6 was released October 2014. That same month, Moto Mobility was sold to Lenovo. So its not just “in your opinion” that was the start of the reduction in quality of the Moto brand.
Did not know that. That makes sense.
I still prefer them for work phones. Gestures to open the camera or turn on the flashlight are a lifesaver for me.
I def miss the twist for flashlight. I have a pixel now which I hate but it has a feature to tap the back twice. I use it for my flashlight but it doesn’t compare
Twist is camera, chop is flashlight.
How much girth does the SD card have? 👉👈
I mean, the workarounds for SD cards is just USB-C drives, or USB-C microSD card readers. But I agree, just as headphone dongles are dumb and don’t suit all needs, so is external storage.
Micro sd card readers =/= a micro sd card that you can put inside the phone. A micro sd card permanently attached to the phone via a USB-C card reader isn’t really that practical, since it can easily get loose and you can drop it. I mean I can walk around and record videos directly into the sd card if the phone has the sd card slot.
A phone can get destroyed and I still have the video. Very useful for situations like… god forbid, if you ever get in a situation of being a witness to an act of police brutality and you are recording them for evidence, and they smash your phone after you recorded a video of them. And you then run away with the broken phone. As long as the micro sd card isn’t damaged, the video is safe. Its much harder to recover a video from a broken phone’s internal storage. And by the time you do recover it, you might not be able to send it to the press before cops show up at your door to confiscate it. In contrast, an sd card can just quickily put it in a computer then you email it to journalists.
I know, this is an extreme scenario, but like its just illustrates that a sd card plugged in to an USB C card reader isnt the same, it can come loose easily.
I’m surprised you even thought this needed to be said. Of course external solutions aren’t the same as internal. I never said they were. I simply said that just like dongles are the workaround to no internal headphone jack, they are for storage as well. The compromise is obvious and internal would always be better.
Yeah I have to use an adapter now
Just servicability in consumer goods in general.
Why? The quality was always shit. I’d rather keep the data port (Lightning/USB-C) and use an external DAC. For calls and meetings where audio quality is trash anyway, Bluetooth doesn’t necessarily degrade it enough to care.
This depended on the phone. The HTC One M8, for instance, had a surprisingly good built-in DAC.
Well that’s great because you could still do that even if they included a jack.
But I would never use it and it would just collect dust and pocket lint 👎
Mandatory Firefly comment
Also Pushing Daisies, Better Off Ted, Jericho, My So Called Life, Dead Like Me, Freaks and Geeks…
I’m here for Pushing Daisies.
Martin Starr is too cool now lol. Freaks and geeks might be hilarious with all the same actors now.
I imagine Bertram Gilfoyle is the adult that Bill Haverchuck grew up to be
I actually know Martin in real life and worked with him for almost a year and he’s almost exactly like his Guilfoyle character. He probably was Bill as a young person lol. The only difference is he’s super sweet but still has that dead pan sense of fuck you humor.
Lol that’s awesome
Last Man on Earth, too!
Why would Freaks and Geeks need another season? It ended fine.
Some shows are great in part because they knew where to end. F&G, AtlA, The Good Place all for example.
Better Off Ted and Dead Like Me, yeah
Cool. Cool cool cool.
Better Off Ted had so much potential :(
Seems all the more relevant today. They should revive the series, as long as Phil and Lem are still around.
Every time somebody mentions Firefly I automatically think of The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.
Bruce Campbell in a steampunk cowboy romp across the old west?
That show ended way too soon.
Dark Matter (the SyFy show), it was just getting good!
I don’t care, I’m still free, you can’t take the original series from me.
The title has two questions and this one only fits one of them.
Wish wasn’t cancelled, yes!
Wish they brought it back? No, it was a long time ago, and they made Serenity to close off the story and tie things up. It’s likely that bringing it back would do more harm than good.
Man, that show was so likable, but I could never get over the pro-Confederate vibes, even with all the staff denials.
Call me crazy, but if I was going to bring back a series doomed by its association with Joss Whedon I’d give The Nevers another shot. I thought it was fun and then the Whedon thing happened and Covid happened and people seem to just have agreed it wasn’t worth it and gone home.
As long as we’re on cancelled sci-fi shows, Babylon 5 spinoffs. The entire setting is more or less dead and it hurts.
(Yes, I know about The Road Home. It’s not the same.)
Problem with that is that almost everyone who was interesting is dead. Actor wise.
Yep. (Mira Furlan was a real punch in the gut, particularly.)
There’s talk of a reboot, and that’s not what anyone wanted at all…
If they did another series they could do it without rebooting, just a different set of characters in the same ‘verse. Maybe meeting the originals at various times.
I have zero interest in that either. Those specific characters were the whole appeal to that show.
Travelers TV Show. Doesn’t even need the original actors, its perfect scenario for a reboot with different characters.
The Expanse. I mean come on, there still so much book material left… 🙄
And SD Card slots, god damnit. I don’t wanna spend +$500 more just for 1tb storage, a 1tb sd card is like $100. Fuck these greedy corporations.
I get so petty about this that I got an A series samsung phone instead of the S series, just for the sd card slot.
The show runners for The Expanse claimed that they ended the show where they did because the show had reached a natural conclusion, the books took a giant time leap, and they felt the rest of the story would be better developed into a sequel series at a later time.
I really hope they work out a way to do a time jump series later on with the same actors who are all actually older (though logistically speaking it would be difficult)
Well, IIRC, the next phase of the story has mostly different characters. Only one or two carry over.
From what I remember most of the main cast carry over except for
Tap for spoiler
Avasarala who died because old
It’s a 3 decade time jump
Tap for spoiler
Even Avasarala is there for the first part of it. She died after Duarte took over.
Oh you mean Holden, Naomi, Amos, Alex, Bobbie, Clarissa, Ghost of Miller, and Avasarala?
Honestly, I think they did the right thing. The TV show was great for what it was, but the last book was just so different than the rest of the series, I don’t think it really matters that they left it out.
End the show on a high note instead of possibly spoiling it.
I so want more travelers.
I’m so torn. On one hand, absolutely. On the other: it was a decent end and I fear that they would have removed too much mystery with more seasons
Actually yeah. A reboot of travelers would be amazing. Because you could go in any direction….
Redo to series as is. Redo it where since so many things went wrong, we’re gonna reset the timeline.
Hell yeah 👍
I loved the expanse, maybe more than books. But even the books just got drawn out and I lost interest. With how closely the show followed the books I’m worried the show would just fall off for me like the books.
So what they actually did was basically flawless from start to finish.
But give me 100 more episodes of the Good Place anyways.
I agree but at the same time I’m happy it got an actual ending instead of being drug out because of its popularity.
What they did was perfect, and there’s no way they could have just added stuff and had it be the show it was. They stuck to the vision and nailed the fuck out of it.
But I could also sit and watch a lot of episodes of reboots 2-5000 or whatever. The chemistry of that cast playing those characters with that writing was all magic.
Oh yeah I could not get enough of that show
VR trolley problem video game based on the good place.
Light pickup trucks.
How about things that never were but have always existed? Been waiting my entire adult life (I’m 42) for GRRM to finish Game of Thrones. My kid was 2 when the last book came out and now he’s driving lol
I was gonna say Patrick Rothfuss’ King Killer Chronicles series. We’re never getting Doors of Stone. I loved his writing, but dammit, I’ve just given up on it at this point.
Oh wow I forgot about that series. It’s been like a decade lol. I didn’t even realize the third never released. What’s with these good writers not finishing their projects
The stress of success, many eyes watching, and not publishing is less crushing than publishing a shit ending that ruins the trilogy and wipes out all interest in the first two books.
It’s a shame I don’t find Sanderson books all that interesting because that guy puts out books like a Gatling gun.
I’ve literally tied myself over with several series of Sanderson’s while waiting for the final book in the Kingkiller Chronicle series.
I guess there’s always the reassurance that Sanderson will probably pick up any major series that needs finishing haha.
Way of Kings did nothing for you? :o
Nah not really. It’s well thought out and all that but it just seems kind of “clinical” to me. I like a lot of grit (cormac McCarthy is my favorite author), so I lean more towards Abercrombie or mark lawrence.
Steven Erikson is another I wish I could get into but I find myself rereading the same stuff over and over until ultimately giving up.
I think he painted himself into a corner with just how much he needs to resolve in the last book. Hell, we don’t even know what king is killed.
I think he could do quite a few things to make it more than just a third book. He could hand wave away some parts as “well that’s already well known, go talk to X for that story.” And then put that as a separate book.
Or just say to properly tell the story he needs more time than expected and give himself more than 3 of the in story days.
Gonna have to start fantasy book series just like Netflix these days. Not gonna start until the book/series has an ending!
And Matel still hasn’t released hoverboards
Inside Job. Canceling a series when there’s a cliffhanger should be illegal!
Also, Windows Mixed Reality, my VR headset is going to become a paperweight when I’ll be forced to migrate off Windows 10 in a year.
Firefly! We need more seasons of that amazing show!
I used to think like you, then I saw some sit down with joss whedon and the rest of the cast where he talked about where the series would have gone if it hadn’t been axed by Fox after the first season, and man it was a WEIRD talk. Joss started going on about the eventually fate of Inara and not only was it super harsh, but Joss kept giving Inara’s actor the creepiest looks and I sware on me mum the whole table got skeeved out.
Honestly made me appreciate Serenity that much more as the cap to the series
I’d have taken that chance.
Do you remember what that interview was? I’d be interested to watch it.
I don’t remember specifically but iirc a lot of clips are found when you search for “inara firefly fate” or “inara firefly ending”
Wow, I had no idea. Thanks for sharing.
I was wondering if Firefly being the immediate de facto response to this had lived its life. It appears not.
Better off ted. Fantastic show.
Ahh hells yeah
Not “technically” discontinued, but almost
Buying products and owning them.
Buying products and getting full repair manuals and electrical schematics
Cathode ray tubes
Overbuilt refrigerators and washing machines
Clothes that last and are repairable
Houses built with full bricks and iron with actual straight walls and unbroken woodwork
My name is Earl.
Loved this series so much. After finding out how they were going to end it, I would have loved to have watched it play out.
A super niche one: the 2000s show “John Doe”
A guy wakes up with amnesia and doesn’t know who he is
But he basically knows everything else.
Weird mystery that ended on a cliffhanger and basically no questions answered (although the show creator later revealed the later plans and plot)
I still think about the episode where John walked into his stock trader and randomly bought rights to some kind of seafood (shrimp, I think), explains why, then sells it – at a huge profit. It was this little moment that explained why John could just “do stuff” and didn’t need a job.
Also, it made my hate working forever, but I don’t know enough to not have to. Yet.
Master and Commander should be several movies and an MMO game.
Hear him, hear him! A glass of wine with you, sir. Killick! Killick there, light along with the Madeira damn your eyes!
S tier TV Shows cancelled by streaming studio fucks:
Raised by Wolves (Max), Little Demon (Hulu), Archive81 (Netflix), Scavenger’s Reign (Originally Max, then cancelled, bought by Netflix, then fucking cancelled again. Clowns)
Archive 81 was great. I’m surprised it wasn’t picked up by another channel.
Easily one of the best scifi horror-ish shows to come out in recent history.
Fuuuuuckk i had forgotten about Scavengers Reign :(
I recently watched it. It was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my life. I haven’t felt existential dread like that since finishing SOMA.
Awww, thanks for telling me, but… FUCK. I didn’t know any of that. I need a drink.
I need a blunt.