The Trump campaign playing Rage Against the Machine is just so mindbogglingly dumb, it defies comprehension.
the worst part isn’t even how paralyzingly stupid they are, it’s that they’re proud of that fact
Fucking Paul Ryan cited RATM as his favorite band. These are not smart people.
Not self-aware enough to understand they’re the machine the songs rage against.
Well, dumbass fucks also need representation. Too bad it’s like ~50% of the US.
Have they actually used it or did Rage just say “don’t use our shit”?
I don’t know about the campaign itself, but his minions are fond of “Killing in the name of” being played in support of blue lives matter of all things and to convey their “Fuck your feelings” mantra.
I mean, “Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses” is probably a good thing from their point of view…
I am amazed they don’t use Bulls on Parade…
Lol this is fucking hilarious. This is on the level of the popo wearing punisher logos…just complete idiots
And the orange man’s campaign to RATM when told not to play their music: fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me.
You can add Jack White and the White Stripes to this.
Haha, I suppose I was too late.
Even… Lynyrd Skynyrd is on the list?
Does someone have context on that entry? Not that I’m complaining - because I’m not.
" Trump “has not yet seen the video, he will see it shortly, but based upon everything he has heard, he strongly condemns this video.” "
Did he condemn it?
As vehemently as he’s condemned any other controversy he finds himself in 🙄
“Very fine people on both sides”
There’s a big sign outside Jacksonville on 295 that says “Trump listens to Lynyrd Skynyrd”
I can’t tell if that’s supposed an insult or a compliment nor for whom.
My wife showed me the lyrics to Sweet Home Alabama and damn if it didn’t seem to indicate that they’re left of their fans. Namely the lines
In Birmingham, they love the governor (boo, boo, boo!)
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me, uh-uh
Does your conscience bother you? Tell the truthWhich I read as “we don’t all love our state’s politics, but also don’t blame us for the shit done by a president from California”
Had to look them up to make sure I wasn’t talking up my ass, but using RATM, who apparently used anti-authoritarian and revolutionary lyrics, for a rally for someone looking to be a dictator is very ironic.
That type of mindless embracing of something you’re not really paying attention to, is typical right-wing mindlessness.
Check out the lyrics to Bruce Springsteen “Born In The USA” while keeping in mind that reagan used it in 1984 presidential election campaign rallies and even mentioned it in gushing, patriotic speech demagoguery, I believe. Never bothered to see what that song is actually about - Vietnam veterans abandoned by their own government and country, as the America they grew up in is decaying into the Rust Belt.
Trump playing Rage at a rally is on par with him asking Karl Marx to wake up and come speak.
Did Prince come back from the dead?
The corpse formerly known as Prince
I’d pay thousands to see The Corpse Formerly Know as Prince perform
God I wish.
I’m guessing Prince and Bowie probably did prior to the 2016 election.
Yes, but only to tell Trump to fuck off. He didn’t stick around for our benefit, unfortunately.
You see, he’s just like his father…
So, just Kid Rock then?
And probably Ted Nugent.
Trump can walk out to jailbait. That’d be apropos.
Why doesn’t he just use music from his buddies Kid Rock and Ted Nugent for everything?
No one gives a shit about Kid Rock anymore but he sure thinks they do, and The Nuge is an admitted child molester who literally shit his pants to dodge the draft… Sounds perfect for the modern GOP lol
Using Rage Against the Machine was just stupid. I’m guessing they never listened to any of the words and just went for a beat. Even then it doesn’t feel like a beat for old white folks in their 70s and Uncle Toms.
Re-appropriation is the name of the game. These jerks don’t really make much art for themselves; a movement 60+ years old really should have an identifiable subculture with its own stuff by now. Instead, they’re very good at acting like a bunch of kleptos, running with what they can.
Hey, I resent that remark. I listen to Rage A M and I’m 75. Oh, and also, I’m sure as hell not as fuckin’ brain dead as Trump is.
Always outliers.
You know you are really hated when Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon agree on something.
So… Based on #1 and #17, Prince came back from the dead to tell Trump to stop using his music, and then dropped dead again? Do I have that right?
Edit: oh, also David The God of Rock Bowie, and Kenny Rogers.
Ok the amount of people voting you need to learn how to do a Will then cuz special types of Executors are appointed for after death to make such decisions. This is pretty common with people with even a moderate amount of success particularly if they have any type of asset or property (intellectual included) to have looked after that becomes part of an estate.
I think whoever owns the rights can do that, not necessarily the artist.
Sure, but they specified The Estate of Tom Petty but the other three dead artists by name.
Also Happy Cakeday! 🍰🎂
Strictly speaking, few if any of them retain their own rights to the music. Most are owned by the label. Look on any CD, official video, etc. You’ll see Copyright Sony Music, or Universal, etc.
It also means they probably can’t take legal action against Trump’s use of it.
I had the same thought initially. I haven’t read the article, but assuming this picture isn’t fake they might be including artists from his last two campaigns. Rogers did in 2020, Bowie and Prince died in 2016
Would be nice to see a list of the specific songs that got the takedown issued and the date.
Mostly I’m just curious about Nickelback. In what political context are we using “Photograph”?
Abba - ???
Adele - "Skyfall and “Rolling in Deep”
Aerosmith- “Dream on” and “Living on the Edge”
A-ha - “Take me on”
The Animals - “House of the Rising Sun” and “We gotta get out of this place”
The Beatles - “Here Comes the Sun”
Beyonece - “Freedom”
Bruce Springsteen - “Born in the USA”
Celine Dion - “My heart will go on”
CCR - “Fortunate Son”
Earth Wind and Fire - “September”
Eddy Grant - “Electric Avenue”
Elton John - “Tiny Dancer and Rocket Man”
Everlast - “Jump Around”
Foo Fighters - My Hero
Free - “All right now”
Guns n Roses - “Sweet Child o Mine” and “Live and let die”
Isaac Hayes - “Hold on I’m coming”
Johnny Mar - “Please please please let me get what I want”
Leonard Cohen - “Hallelujah”
Linkin Park - In the End
Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma
Neil Young - Rocking in the Free world
Nickelback - Photograph
Nico Vega - Beast
The Ojays - Love Train
Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy train
Panic at the disco - High Hopes
Pharrell Williams - Happy
Phil Collins - In the air tonight
Prince - Purple Rain
Queen - We are the Champions
REM - It’s the end of the world as we know it
Rihanna - Don’t stop the music
Rolling Stones - You can’t always get what you want (the irony)
Sinéad O’Connor - Nothing compares 2 u
Tom Petty - I won’t back down
Twisted Sister - We’re not gonna take it
Village People - YMCA and Macho Man
White Stripes - 7 nation army
Yoann Lemoine - Run boy run
…Does the campaign realize what House of the Rising Sun is about?
Or “Keep on Rocking in the Free World”
Or “Fortunate Son”
Or “Born in the USA”
To be fair, completely missing the actual message of “Born in the USA” is a longstanding republican tradition.
Which is a bit surprising since that’s kind of hard to do.
Or “Electric Avenue”
That’s not important. As long as the Voters don’t know or don’t care, it does the Job
love how halfway through you just gave up “quoting” the song names lol
I got lazy haha
They may as well play “The Hook,” by Blues Traveller just to round that list of irony out.
no “Eminem - slim shady” on the list?
hmm, i wonder why they dont use it
My guess is… they got some one managing trumps twitter to post it so they could boost sales.
Because. I mean. Who’s actually listening to nickleback? And not, like, just at a strip club?
It was probably Rock star.
Apparently it was in fact photograph
Though I’m sure I’ve never heard that song…
Ha ha. 15. Rage Against The Machine. Having visions of Trump arriving at the podium along with Killing In The Name
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I’m sure Mike Love of the Beach Boys didn’t mind Trump using their music. He’s a massive conservative douchebag.
Brian Wilson and Al Jardine have been pretty openly against the Orange One using their music. But yeah… Mike Love’s gonna Mike Love. Not sure why Bruce Johnston still associates with him.
Jack White too
Jack White too as of this morning.
Really? Damn. First time hearing about this.
Edit: oh, it was a different Jack White. I was thinking of the White Stripes guy.
I think it’s the same Jack White.
This is the article that’s confused me.
Edit: the Wikipedia page for the Jack White that founded the White Stripes still (as of 5:22PM EST) hasn’t updated to include his death, and they’re usually pretty on top of stuff like this. I don’t think it was him.
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