Does Wisconsin require showing up for two or more “appointments” during those 120 days?
Does Wisconsin require showing up for two or more “appointments” during those 120 days?
Births are tightly linked to marriage in China, with childbearing out of wedlock discouraged by traditional values and various government regulations.
“Various government regulations”? Damn, dude. Like what? Maybe easing up on those regulations would help the birth rate a bit.
I’m not sure, but I think he’s been dropped and picked up by someone else before.
Talent agents choose money over ethics all the time. It’s practically their job. Regardless, things like this happen when the negative publicity makes a client a bad return on the agency’s investment (or a client hurts their reputation, which is to say, when a client hurts their chances of making money in the future). Their only concern is money, not antisemitism.
Next, he’ll be contacted by an even less prestigious agency whose desperation outweighs their ethical concerns. He may already have been.
“More than expected”? This wasn’t just expected, it was planned.
Have they found any LGTBQ+ folks to blame yet?
By “level”, I’m talking about the practicality and wisdom of the idea.
This is “nuke the hurricane”-level science.
I was going to guess “music festival”, but
Clean toilets with all the expected facilities will be available to me.
kinda ruled that out [italics mine]. Music festival port-a-potties are pretty gross, and running water is nothing but a pleasant memory. I wonder how things went (or, more accurately, didn’t).
Thanks for the link!
Spineless collaborators. Fuck you, google.
On a semi-related note, I’m glad that Superman’s motto was updated to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow” back in 2021.
The Naïve Witch of the North (South if you’re going by the original novel instead of the movie).
Vague, sexist generalizations deserve rude answers.
Cool link. Lots of surprising ones. Hovercraft? Linoleum? Thanks!
Maybe it’s a primal thing (or, well, a “discovery of agriculture” thing). I love Triscuits. Plain.
For those of you who don’t know what Triscuits are, they’re simply wheat crackers. The ingredients are whole-grain wheat, canola oil, and salt. That’s it.
The water coming out of the shower head or faucet when it’s warm enough to be comfortable, but not so hot that it’s scalding.
An important aspect to specify. Good thinking!
A good workaround, but making the keyboard smaller isn’t a long-term solution. Cool trick, though. Thanks for sharing. I just tried it, and it’s pretty neat.
See? Every cloud has a silver lining.
Agreed. Plus, whoever wrote it did an excellent job matching the tone and style of a government notice.
I was just going to chalk it up to curiosity, because raccoons are smart enough to be curious, but I like your answer better!