I’ll do you one better! The interracial marriage ruling should be left to the individual!
I’ll do you one better! The interracial marriage ruling should be left to the individual!
Versus the interviews aired by the major networks about a mother of three declaring that all Israelis just wanna live in peace and it’s those no-good Palestinians stirring up trouble.
It’s good to get a mix of all the people involved. Especially when assholes like the one demonstrated have more direct impact than the suburban mom.
Without watching (ew video), imma assume the elevators are for the mobility impaired.
Bah, the only way to suss out a true New Yorker is to check their preferred Pizza joint.
Even if they did, you think they’d get it released? They saw what happened to the Heritage Foundation following the leak of P’25.
No. You’ll be kept there, where I know you’ll be safe and ready for me when I return.
And intentional physical contact? Or is that verboten?
In this case, following the Golden Rule means that if you’re an unhappy voter and would like other unhappy voters to hold their noses and vote for the major candidate they least dislike, you should be willing to do the same thing yourself.
What if I want unhappy voters to vote their conscience instead?
All of those were actions Gore would almost certainly not have taken.
That may be argued, but then what would Gore have done that we would hate today instead? Also, the invasion of Iraq was not a forgone conclusion in '00. It may have been a vague goal of Bush’s, but was unlikely to have happened without the strong wave of Islamophobia and sentiment of vengeance brought on by Sept 11.
The solution is to keep fucking around and learning until you have to do a fresh install because you broke something.
Hah, as if a cat has any notion that it’s not exactly where it was ordained to be: atop all social, economic, and religious structures.
Nobody tells cats what to do.
The only realistic solution is to hire a taster to ensure all your foods are poison free. Finally the right can live out that age-old Medieval feudal fantasy.
I think the word you want is universally. Unilaterally could mean that just one side viewed it as ok.
Bold of you to assume it’s being gay that I lie about.
Worst of all, I get a vote!
Japanese food works 3 hours a day
Beyond the ownership class, this ain’t happening chief.
Unless you’ve got some kinda source.
This was my takeaway as well. They’re not agreeing with Smith for any reason other than this nets them more discretionary power.
Given the unholy pairing of fundamentalists who wish to do away with age of consent and the MAGA crowds, this probably isn’t too far into satire.
The length of the chain may also be a detriment if you’re carrying it anywhere it could snag.
flash hiders are common fittings.
Less capable?
Grim news for them if Russia was sending it’s best.