I cannot explain that without defiling you. A portion of who I am now is forever locked away, a secret to the world, and should it ever be known I will destroy my audience, will drag them down into the incomprehensible dark alongside me. this is not a fate you should desire.
just stay away from fucking color theory. there are three primary colors and you make other colors by combining them. black is no colors. white is all the colors at once. you don’t need to know anything else.
perfectly straightforward; you just reverse it. don’t think about it too hard. R G and B values each go from 0 to 255 (that’s 256 if you want to be a barbarian and avoid zero indexing).
all is well. you don’t need to think about it any more than that.
What does this mean?
I cannot explain that without defiling you. A portion of who I am now is forever locked away, a secret to the world, and should it ever be known I will destroy my audience, will drag them down into the incomprehensible dark alongside me. this is not a fate you should desire.
just stay away from fucking color theory. there are three primary colors and you make other colors by combining them. black is no colors. white is all the colors at once. you don’t need to know anything else.
But what if I want to split colors apart instead of combining them?
perfectly straightforward; you just reverse it. don’t think about it too hard. R G and B values each go from 0 to 255 (that’s 256 if you want to be a barbarian and avoid zero indexing).
all is well. you don’t need to think about it any more than that.
(Just throwing shade)