That’s it. That’s the post.
AvocaDon’t MIND IF I DO!
Av another cado.
An avocado! Thanks…
Get down to Del Taco they’ve got fre, fre sha vocado.
Vegans when they can’t convince people to atop eating meat
I already have one, 🥑
Now you have 2!
I heard someone once nutted in coconut
What? No toast? Ugh
Those damn millennials and their toast. If only they’d just eat the avocados by themselves everything would be fine!
What no I can’t accept that! Those things are expensive, not to mention the ecological impact. You keep it for yourself dearie.
Too late! No backsies!
I don’t :(
r/notinteresting type post ^god I miss that sub^
Thanks but I made guacamole 2 days in a row, maybe give it to someone in greater need.
Nope. Avocados for all whether they need them or not. Good day sir.
< sigh >
I guess I could make a turkey sandwich later.
No I do not want to be an Evocati!
The avocados will continue until morale improves.
Are a sick (and weird) guy!
What if having avocados forced upon me is what’s ruining my morale?
The beatings will continue until morale improves
I wish I could have an avocado that looks so perfect! Of all produce, they’re the most difficult to find in good condition, good ripeness.
This week I did pretty good …… out of three avocados, one was good, one was bruised and ugly but mostly useable, and one had to be thrown out.
The ones I am forced to deal with at work are pathetic compared to this. Just a soggy mushy mess.
- “Avocado?”
- “Don’t mind if I do!”
That’s funny because I’ve always said “Avocado? How bout I avocadon’t.”