This looks like inspiration for kill bill
This looks like inspiration for kill bill
Am I reading this data sheet correctly? Did they seriously use a data set of 2100 people and call that “widespread”?
Yeah I know. My point is the goa’uld would have no practical use for them, let alone one that stored sensitive data such as gate addresses.
Stargate is riddled with stuff like this I wouldn’t look to into it. One of my faves is the abbadon cartoosh . Yeah, and advanced race of alien beings is going to build a temple and carve shit into the walls to record addresses, instead of IDK, storeing that info on their super advanced computers.
Jesus fucking Christ. Hesitated on my coffee after seeing this lol.
Catholics believe in a religious hierarchy, Cardinals, bishops, Pope e.t.c.
Christians USUALLY think hierarchy in religion is almost blasphemous. But really it’s just so they can kinda just do whatever the fuck they want and not worry about the Pope excommunicating them.
Why does this look familiar to me
I thought the term terrorist was coined by the CIA in the 60s. Huh, time to go reeducate myself.
You have managed to make me feel better about my self
I’ve been liking “going medieval”
You could look into social programs in your area. If not for wellfare, you could do it to volunteer. This wouldn’t exactly be a way to “enjoy life” per say, but it may help your circumstances.
Scraping your knee on a fall
. ) .
I just watched family man a few months ago. Holy shit he plays a good scum ball.
Don’t fuckin lie, those are not dry dreams.