Daytime: English tea. Evening: In the unlikely event I’m out in the evening I get lemonade
Daytime: Mojito.
Evening: Mojito.
Bartenders scatter when they see you coming.
I like your style
- Out? Water, sometimes coffee (when it’s decent)
- Home? Tea, coffee, and water.
I quit drinking soda entirely. Alcohol too, but that was many, many years ago… back when I was an alcoholic.
Well done for getting through that, it’s a really powerful drug
Water, unless it’s a restaurant with some delicious drink from whatever culture the food is from (Thai iced tea, mango lassi, boba tea - that kinda thing) in which case, that.
After not liking wine (other than iced wine), I had some extra after making some French onion soup and figured I might as well drink it and turns out I like it now. And I’ve lost my taste for sweet wines. I mean, it still tastes good but I just end up with a headache after one or two glasses from trying a tawny port. It’ll probably take some experimentation to find the sweet spot (heh or not so sweet spot I guess).
It’s kinda annoying with all the variety, I have a feeling I won’t ever get to the point of just being able to buy one kind, so each trip to the store might be a bit of a selection dillema.
Usually water, but sometimes root beer. A lot of local microbreweries make their own and most of them are wonderful.
Water, cappuccino, NA beer (I no longer drink).
If I go to a dinner style place for brunch, I like to get a milkshake. At this one place, I get them to add a shot of espresso.
Coffee, water, soda. The later at night, the more likely I am to have coffee. One of the many wonders of ADHD: getting mellow or sleepy from stimulants.
If I haven’t had my daily coffee yet, then a cafe latte. If it’s a decent coffee place (barista with fashionably tight jeans, arm tattoos, possibly wearing a Ramones shirt) I’ll go for a piccolo. If it’s a really good coffee place (barista with waxed moustache and/or ironic neck tattoos) then I’ll get a macchiato.
For an evening occasion, I’ll generally have a non-alcoholic cider, while debating with people around me whether that’s just the same as sparkling apple juice.
If I’m having food, I drink water. But if I’m hanging out with people I’ll have coffee or beer.
Big fan of negronis and other bitter herbal liqueours
Went to a comedy club last night and had a black Russian. Haven’t had one in a long time and I drink alcohol about once every 2 months.
Daytime: Barrys Gold tea. Pub: Smithwicks or Newcastle.
Shot and a beer. Preferably tullamore dew and a Narragansett