Vote, people.

    6 months ago

    If is known for anything, other than hilariously off-color comments that make me need to wash my eyeballs, it’s for being a pro-human-rights Trump-hating positive presence.

    I think you need to get off your high horse for a moment and really consider what they’re saying and make sure you’re reading your own meme and comments correctly.

    Yes, Trump kissing his daughter, especially with that face, is weird and gross. Yes, Trump is also a pedo. Trump’s adult daughter is an adult in that photo and provides zero evidence of Trump being a pedo.

    Now, if you wanted to reference that video Trump talking about how hot his daughter is and saying what he’d do to her if she weren’t 16, that would kill both birds with the one stone you’re currently trying to throw.

    Unfortunately, your chosen meme doesn’t make sense, which is why you should pay more attention and read the image SMCF linked in one of the further down comments in which Trump is named in a legal document as part of pedophilic offenses.

    If you’d either called Trump incestuous in your meme or provided media showing Trump being a pedophile, it would make more sense. Instead, you chose to send out a confusing message and then attack a major ally like some sort of angry dog. Quit trying to rub’s nose in the turd that you shit straight on the floor.

    • Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.worldOP
      6 months ago

      Hey, he did it to himself. He could have said the words instead of humiliating himself for 10+ comments.

      I might have supplied the rope, but to be fair, I thought he was a cultist because he was acting like one. And… dude, is this your alt? Cause the ID makes me think it is. Cause, that totally doesn’t make this so much worse for you.

      EDIT: Nevermind. Your writing styles are totally different. And if it was him, I doubt you’d admit Trump is a pedo so readily after refusing to call a bird a bird for two dozen comments.

        6 months ago

        Jesus, you’re an odd one. I usually like meeting new people and don’t mind disagreeing with people on the internet, but I genuinely regret engaging with you.

        If you’re just having a bad evening or something, feel free to reach out, I’m more than happy to listen if you need to vent.

        Your comment history leads me to believe you usually aren’t this unpleasant, but this exchange really makes me question if I’ve been reading your tone correctly.

        I’m sorry, I usually try to be more positive and not personally attack or judge people, but you’re really something else.

        • Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.worldOP
          6 months ago

          Maybe not him, but I’ll eat my own hat if you’re not definitely related to him in some way though. Because you’re a little ‘too’ indignant. It’s sweet you want to defend him but your anger is misplaced.

          I was a LOT nicer than most folks would be to cultists commenting in a thread about Trump’s sexual proclivities. And the guy spent 10+ comments absolutely refusing to admit that Trump may be an incest loving degenerate.

          I do hope you have a good evening though. I am. I don’t get how you figured I was the angry one in that exchange. I was just trying to help a cultist break free.

            6 months ago

            These people you are arguing with aren’t trump cultists. You made logical errors and they are pointing them out. That isn’t the same as defending trump. Apparently though you’re either too dumb or too emotional to understand that and instead want to call everyone who even slightly disagrees with you over something fairly trivial a trump supporter.

            Please get your head straightened out. If this was real life I would be straightening it out for you or I would consider not speaking to you again. Do you understand?

            • Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.worldOP
              6 months ago

              Please get your head straightened out. If this was real life I would be straightening it out for you or I would consider not speaking to you again. Do you understand?

              Lol. Oh, now this takes me back. You guys are adorable.

              I’m just imagining you going, “I’mma fuck this dude up, but… you know, if he’s too big or knows kung-fu or some shit, I’m never gonna talk to him again. That’ll show him how tough I am. You understand, fucker? I’m going to CONSIDER never talking to you again. Are you sorry now?”

              Thank you, keyboard warrior. I’ve learned the error of my ways.

              I do understand. Please don’t hurt me. I promise I won’t do it again.

                • Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.worldOP
                  6 months ago

                  You’re so cute. I just wanna squeeze your widdle cheeks.

                  I’m not voting for Biden either, bud. On account of him not actually running for President. Good for you.

                  EDIT: Hey, it’s Fartbox! Huh… this is the comment you chose to come back for? Isn’t that cute. I’m sorry I mistook you for a cultist, bud. To be fair, you did a pretty convincing job of looking like one.

                6 months ago

                That was not a threat of physical violence. I am saying either me and my friends talk you back into being a reasonable human again, or we cut you out completely. I don’t think giving someone a concussion is a good way to make them see reason weirdly enough. It’s telling though that you think that it is.

                Please go sniff some ketamine, have a nap, or smoke a joint or do whatever you have to do to reset your brain because clearly something isn’t working right up there.

                • Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.worldOP
                  6 months ago

                  Yes, I mean, clearly that is something that can only be communicated in person, it’s not like we’re talking right now. Wanna try that whole ‘straightening me out’ thing now? Why does it have to be in real life?

                  Is it because you’d like to talk over me but it’s hard to keep me from typing?

                  Also… ooh, friends. You have them? I believe you. :D


                    6 months ago

                    This is exactly why this couldn’t be done online. People behave very differently online than they do in person. For one you probably wouldn’t say half the things you have said here. Second you would probably have realized by now I am not a physical threat unless I am in actual danger, which chances are neither are you. To quote a song: “some people fail to realize that real life and internet are not the same”. I also don’t know you at all aside from what I have seen today, nor do I know the kind of people you hang out with, or what emotions you are feeling. Since I don’t have that context I can’t really tell what the problem here is. It is entirely possible you just aren’t a reasonable person in general, and you are best off being avoided, but I am hoping that isn’t the case.

                    My guess is there is some kind of issue here on your end, that could probably be resolved quite quickly over some pints. Instead we are arguing over something incredibly trivial for longer than is necessary without any really good reasons that I can see. My guess is someone hurt your feelings either in this comment section or in real life, and because you can’t process that over the Internet you are instead being belligerent.

                    Also I find it funny that you, the one who is being both unreasonable and personally insulting, accuse me of not having any friends. If anyone is going to push people away in this discussion it’s going to be you. You are repeatedly trying the patience of people here including me for no good reason.