Seems you were intentionally trying to seek attention by saying shit people actually don’t want to hear and claiming it’s fine based off a technicality. Your so edgy bro. Don’t call other people stupid just because they see beyond your attempt to be clever.
Did you just call somebody’s language you inherit a technicality? I swear to god you yanks are something else with your lack of education and common sense. I guess the only way to afford thousand of ICBMs is to defund the school. Bless you
Don’t call other people stupid just because they see beyond your attempt to be clever.
You think I’m trying to be clever by speaking my own language?
You think I speak my own language to seem “edgy”?
The word “faggot” on reddit gets site-wide deleted which means even saying it in the UK subs where people will know the meaning it would get deleted. Yes it’s happened and that’s fucking moronic.
It’d be like banning Spaniards from their own subs for saying "Tiene negro gato ".
This where context and being aware that other cultures can be different linguistically comes in. How much do you think people in french speaking African countries care about a certain word that describes a color over there :|
No. I’m 40yrs old and I don’t keep up with the modern-day lingo. 😂
Also I’m British so I speak British English. “Fags” are cigarettes and “faggots” are a type of food.
Seems you were intentionally trying to seek attention by saying shit people actually don’t want to hear and claiming it’s fine based off a technicality. Your so edgy bro. Don’t call other people stupid just because they see beyond your attempt to be clever.
Did you just call somebody’s language you inherit a technicality? I swear to god you yanks are something else with your lack of education and common sense. I guess the only way to afford thousand of ICBMs is to defund the school. Bless you
You think I’m trying to be clever by speaking my own language?
You think I speak my own language to seem “edgy”?
The word “faggot” on reddit gets site-wide deleted which means even saying it in the UK subs where people will know the meaning it would get deleted. Yes it’s happened and that’s fucking moronic.
It’d be like banning Spaniards from their own subs for saying "Tiene negro gato ".
Kind of hard for moderators to know that maybe.
I would just not use those words to not be misunderstood. :)
This where context and being aware that other cultures can be different linguistically comes in. How much do you think people in french speaking African countries care about a certain word that describes a color over there :|