A can of contact cleaner is 15 bucks.
Ask them to explain how a little bit of coffee in a low amperage accessory connector can kill 2 batteries.
Ask them for the serial numbers of the batteries they replace, the old one and the new one.
Ask them how they tested the batteries. A carbon pile tester is the only reliable way to test a battery, no new fangled clip on tester can detect a bad cell reliably.
Im guessing you have a bad battery, and they didnt replace the battery but did a battery “service” and just charged it.
Ultimately tell them you want to take the car to another mechanic for a second opinion.
Chevy and Ford are an unmitigated engine disaster right now.
Years of quality advancements and in the last 10 year took a hard left and decided to make just shit unreliable engines.
Dont buy American.