I swear I’m not Jessica

  • 84 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Oh Sky, you look fine and have looked fine for some time. Not looking good enough is something all women have to deal with. Even if you were an actual model, you’d probably feel the same way you do now. It really is an act of accepting reality and striving for better rather than bemoaning reality and thinking that you suck.

    Look in the mirror right now and identify 1 thing you like about your appearance. Every day for the next week, write down a different thing, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is. Don’t qualify or include any critiques in this list; only write about the good things. In a week, make a post here listing the 7 compliments, and any other thoughts you might have. I’ll be waiting.

    I could give you several compliments, but that won’t hit the same as if you gave them yourself. Your brain will just write anything I say off as me lying to make you feel better. The activity probably sounds like some corny bullshit about “just looking on the bright side,” but the whole goal of it is to make you see both the dark and the light.

    You’re only seeing the negatives, but that isn’t more accurate by virtue of making you feel bad. You don’t have an accurate view of reality right now. You sound no different than someone that tries to pretend that they’re perfect.

  • Hmm

    • The frontal lobe is involved in a lot of random skills and problem-solving, so that kinda checks out.
    • The occipital lobe handles vision, so worbo shows would makes some sense.
    • Anger couldn’t be shown in this diagram because it’s handled more internally, but the temporal lobe kinda rolls inside the brain, so I’ll give half a point.
    • Unless you think the sensory homunculus is a cute creature, the parietal lobe has nothing to do with them.
    • The cerebellum is mostly involved with motor coordination and the occipital lobe is gayer, so I gay does not check out.

    2.5/5 isn’t great, but it’s better than I expected from a silly lil meme

  • You’re so vague that it’s hard to narrow down on a topic! 😰

    On a meta level, it speaks to how much I love learning and thinking about lore. I watch so many lore videos that I understand the lore of media I’ve never interacted with. I don’t think I’ll ever play anything Warhammer 40k related because I don’t find the setting fun or enjoyable, but I know about the orcs and emperor and the pleasure god slenesh or whatever. I get the memes about the weakness of flesh, but more as a concept.

    The problem with lore is that it isn’t enough for a story. No matter how interesting the setting, we need to watch characters to feel emotionally invested in it. The Hobbit got people hooked by providing a well done story with likable characters. Tolkien had an entire fantastical world, but that wouldn’t have meant shit if there weren’t goofy dwarves, humble hobbits, and a wise old wizard.

    The lore enhances my enjoyment of the story, but the colorful characters are what roped me in for long enough to care. This isn’t to say that lore can’t have characters who you get invested in as well, but how interesting they are depends on how a person tells their story.

    Loredumping can be off-putting because it demonstrates that you aren’t considering what the other person wants. I might be invested in it, but people usually only want to hear the parts of it they were curious about. I’ve gotten better at restraining myself and only talking about what’s absolutely necessary to prove my point, but it’s not easy.

    At the same time, loredumping can be cool if the dumper has passion for what they talk about. So long as they’re trying their best to share their hobbies rather than proving themselves right, it’s cute. I know how hard it is to channel one’s obsession for good, so I admire people that try ❤

  • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneR Rule
    3 days ago

    I feel like it’d just give you pictures of happy couples doing SFW couple things or old dudes at pride. Even with safe search off, it’s not like the phrase is explicitly pornographic. In my experience, you need to be very direct to get NSFW stuff in general from Google.

    Maybe I’m just deep into the queer community, but this meme feels like it was made by a person who sees homosexuality as inherently taboo or lewd. Kinda stale tbh