You MIGHT be able to drill and tap the thread in a barbed brass nipple. Something like this feed&utm_content=free google shopping clicks&campaignid=20749401279&productid=G0249051&v=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpvHJp87gggMVPc7CBB2OuBPBEAQYECABEgLtc_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
At this point, you have nothing to lose.
If it works, you saved yourself a lot of money, if it fails you aren’t out anything since you have to replace it anyways.
It’s not damaging at all to the vehicle.
The brakes will wear out a little quicker than normal, but nothing is getting damaged.
I should add a caveat. This applies to a properly maintained vehicle. If you drive a rusted out shit box where the suspension is held together with hummus and cheesecloth, all bets are off.