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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 31st, 2023


  • So point to point (PTP) Microwave relays using parabolic dishes are moving a lot of data these days, They are very popular in areas where it’s difficult to lay glass, however fiber is still orders of magnitude large of a pipe then PTP microwave.

    There isn’t enough licensable spectrum to even come close to matching what a single cable with 144 fiber pairs can push out.

    The only reason why PTP Microwave has a lot of popularity right now is because towns can be almost impossible to deal with when it comes to laying new fiber. Fiber is also costs money per mile while PTP Microwave is fixed cost per relay. But the real killer… Cable companies willing to do anything short of murder (and sometimes that’s not even a deterrent) to ensure no other network installations take place. They abuse the hell out of their monopoly power and buy off the local regulators. However they can’t really block PTP Microwave though the town hall (so to speak).

    The idiot that posted this is just that, an idiot. They have no background in this field and are just spouting off stupid because it sounds smart.

    Now… that said… If your town has poor internet you may want to get get together with some friends and look into your options. You maybe able to kick out the corrupt regulators at the town hall. Form your own own ISP, or create a coalition of home owners to install upgraded fiber and then license the rights to someone like Verizon to be the service provider.

    I would tell you there is government money to do this sort of thing, but I would bet real donuts that money was already claimed (stolen) by the existing monopoly in town and then lit on fire.

    However for real, consider organizing your local home owners and citizens around this issue.