
#TwitterBanned in #TwitterPurge

My content may only be used on Fediverse, non-corporate platforms!

📫 in English, Spanish, German, French



Sound analysis.


Boosts/❤ ≠endorse.

😷💉Be tolerant.


AVATAR: historic compass, symbolizing new discoveries, history+time.

PICTURE: seat distribution in parliament/Congress.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2022


  • @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social


    …just the pics, but the interaction with contacts.)

    I know:
    …there are tools for exporting (beside the point)
    …many people here even autodelete there posts (utterly different use-case)
    …it’s better than on most corporate sites (yes, but still just “rudimentary” flexibility, at least on #Mastodon.)
    …that #Firefish(?) (still?) supports own-post migration (but that was no choice when I joined)


  • @shiri@foggyminds.com
    I did this using a Tool migrating from the (now) #DeadBirdSite.

    Still, not being able to migrate the convos is NOT an “alternative”, but an escape hatch."

    One example, that many will know:

    Imagine, that you invented 1000’s of hours uploading and curating pics and shorts on your #Instagram account.
    For whatever reason, you cannot maintain your account. Starting a new one, you lose all your work (it’s not just…

    @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com

    Highly interesting.

    I think this sentence is missing the alternative method to #AccountMigration:

    “The way out is because you can leave without severing connections.”

    @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social

  • @scott@authorship.studio

    Copy and paste is possible, anywhere, always, yes.

    Difference: copy & paste will not leave a trail to your original post, a link will.

    #Mastodon was supposed to have quote posts last summer. Then @Gargron@mastodon.social sent a lengthy explanation that resources had to be recomitted to fix backend features. Since, I haven’t heard anyhting new regarding this, but I have not searched for it either.

  • @agrinova@social.cologne @jamie@boothcomputing.social @chronohart@tech.lgbt @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @activitypubblueskybridge@venera.social @fedidevs@venera.social @fediversenews@venera.social @snarfed@indieweb.social


    …correct @shiri@foggyminds.com? (I hope I have understood everything correctly that all of you had such great patience to explain to me today.

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social


    …would lose my over 40k posts again, and a lot of them are important to me, as I regularly reference back to older posts. Furthermore, convos/discussions, such as these, are of value and are also worth keeping for future reference. They’d be lost, too, by moving. AFAIC, there is only one #Fediverse platform that permits migrating posts, but only internally, too.

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com


    “If Bluesky starts pumping hardcore propaganda and silencing leftist voices… then the bridge offers a light, showing the abuse and giving them a way out that doesn’t involve starting over from scratch.”

    How so? I have not read that you can migrate you #BlueSky account to another #Fediverse platform, say, #friendica

    However, for me the single biggest #exit barrier is, that I…

    @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com


    "If you operate in a “I control where my message goes” manner, then you’re operating in a manner that can be very easily silenced. It drastically limits your reach.

    It’s one of those fundamental things where you can’t have it both ways, control over your reach is inherently limiting to your reach."

    Excellent point, Shiri. Taken.

    However, please…

    @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social

  • @scott@authorship.studio

    " But you would need to choose a platform with better permissions and moderation tools.

    For example, you would want to control who can comment on your posts and be able to delete comments that are toxic. "

    Very true.
    However, I have a very strick block policy and in 98% of cases, the threat of using it, helps.
    I always wonder a little bit what happens, after I block s.o.
    My understanding is, that his/her posts remain, but we cannot see each others posts anymore (counter-block, mostly)

  • @activitypubblueskybridge@venera.social

    Very interesting, how is it possible that you boosted my #Intro thread, even though I have #NoBridge in my bio and am not even a member of your group?!?

    @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social


    … #disinformation and carrying out #CyberWarfare.

    And, last but not least, another, even more dangerous #PayPal of #Elmo, #PeterThiel, is enabling governments around the globe to get rid of opponents. The dangerous spyware he owns, #Palantir, is being used e.g. to hunt down investigative journalists in #SouthAmerica 8) and elsewhere 7) and for #discriminatory…

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social


    … successful has so far been the #FederalistSociety in conjunction with the #CenterForNationalPolicy (#CNP), among whose major feats are putting #Trump in the #WhiteHouse and hijacking the #US #SupremeCourt. 6)

    #Autocrats like #Putin and #Xi trying to gain influence through military and economic means are the other group of people trying to destroy #Western #democracies by disseminating…

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social


    …influential fascist, just considering his market power regarding #SpaceX 5) and the “voice” he has as #X owner. By turning off his #StarLink service in #Crimea, he has successfully prevented potentially victorious strikes by #Ukraine against #Russia’s invasion force.

    But they are not the only #billionaire group vying for even more power. The most…

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social


    …former head of #Twitter’s Trust and Security department, might have phrased it. 2)

    We have all seen what has happened to #Twitter. What many still don’t know, is why he is supposedly burning a lot of money with the purchase: 3).

    #Musk and his #TESCREAL 4) adherents from Silicon Valley are vying for world domination. #Elmo already is the world’s most…

  • @shiri@foggyminds.com @jamie@boothcomputing.social @oliphant@oliphant.social @snarfed.org@snarfed.org @luca@sironi.tk @PCOWandre@jauntygoat.net @chronohart@tech.lgbt @snarfed@indieweb.social


    I think I owe you a quick #INTRO, as I have not been in contact with you before, so you might better understand my concerns.

    I am a political commentator, as well as an activist. This is why I cannot remain silent:

    This is a global super-election year. #Democracy is up for grabs in about 50 countries.1)–This is how the billionaires and the #autocrats like #Putin and #Xi see it, or how #YoelRoth…