• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is straight up lie, Al Jazeera lie they’re ass off. There are civilians who died but that’s only because hamas uses them as human shield.

    And after the horrors in Israel I don’t give a fuck. We need to do anything to kill each and every one of those fucking monsters,

    kidnapping a 9 month old babies, burning alive father and son hugging, which were barely identified,

    Opening a pregnant woman, taking the infant out, kills him and shoot the mother in the head

    rapping 10 years old kids fuck them!

    We need to kill every one of them, scums of the earth

    Edit: fuck you all down voters - terrorists supporters down vote all you want, see if a give a fuck

  • I agree, every ac game is a copy of it’s former. it was good once when the idea was fresh but today, a game so repetitive doesn’t pass for me and every story is the same only a different location.

    A research team investigate a guy from some country who had a bad childhood, had the same hawk with same abilities - climbing of thousands of high buildings, infiltrating or raiding villages, has a ship that helps him get to these villages. And do it over and over again.

    Oh, and don’t forget the millions of collectibles that are really hard to find since the map doesn’t help you with that.

    Never been able to finish a single game of ac