• Podunk@lemmy.world
    14 hours ago

    To be perfectly clear, being prepaired and being in shape is good for you. Do that. But lets look at history. Look at the civil rights era for reference.

    Being in shape and well armed doesnt do shit. It took one unarmed black lady not moving on a bus to be a nexus. after dozens had already done the same. It was on purpose. It had organization.

    Look at how long it took after that before the black panthers marched on the capital with guns and congress got so scared to push firearm reforms, but somehow was not be the nexus of change.

    They didnt care abour busses. and being armed doesnt do shit. Organizing does. Protest does.

    The nexus wasnt firearms. It was people getting together and protesting every way they could. For literal years.

    As a prolific gun owner myself, i dont hold any faith in them. My faith is in something coalescing into a movement. And that movement isnt firepower. You cant beat the united states military and the complex it built anyways.

    But you can change hearts and minds. it takes organization. Protest will always be better. Love your neighbor and be a nuisance until you change their heart.

    That being said, guns are also an option, but if it takes less than a decade of this bs to get you to shoot someone, you just wanted to shoot someone to begin with. And as much as i own and use guns and, somewhat ironically, abhore violence, im not going to be the person to change your mind if thats what you are set on.

    • ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      MAGA is a religion for these people. No amount of protests or good arguments are going to change their minds. They only understand fear and force. They will happily shove every protestor in the country into concentration camps or deport them regardless of citizenship. I wish you were right, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

      • Podunk@lemmy.world
        4 hours ago

        Ok. Shoot them all.

        Ill be back here trying to talk to my neighbor first like the rational human being i am.

        get to it. Times wasting to kill em all. Lets be honest. You’ve only got one attempt before they come to gun you down in response, so be efficient. I bet you can get a couple before they drop you like a dog. Label you a psychopath and a radical. Hell you can even be a terrorist.

        Meanwhile i can plant little seeds and talk to hundreds of people. Change hearts and minds over time. Bring people to my cause.