The depression for fElon is sinking in… don’t stop making fun of him
“I’ve never physically hurt anyone” says the guy who just dismantled USAID dooming tens if not hundreds of thousands of people to die through starvation, disease and conflict.
Clear answer asshole. Because your a nazi, because your destroying the government and putting people on the street that are civil servants. Not just that but I can’t visit Yosemite because of you. Not just that parks are running in skeleton crew. Way to show our tourist what a shit country we are becoming. There’s plenty of dislike there buddy. Spazz out and take a hit.
He deserves all the hate he gets.
And that hilarious line “…I’ve never physically hurt anyone”. Interesting how he has to qualify that by saying he never ‘physically’ hurt anyone. Like he knows if he said he never hurt anyone, he’d get called out right away. What a joke. Yeah, he’s financially ruined people, cost people their jobs, selling defective vehicles, overpromising and underdelivering, stolen from people (see how he took control of Tesla. People say he founded Tesla, but he didn’t. he was an early investor, and used strong-arm tactics to oust it actual founders), but he’s never actually physically put his hands on anyone, so he’s a good person… right.
He has hurt his trans daughter deeply by broadcasting her private life to millions against her will, he is a complete stochastic terrorist.
He forced them to sign a contract allowing him to call himself hte Founder despite that being literally not true
he operates like trump, get other people to hurt them for him. thats how gang/mafia works.
abuse by proxy.
“I’ve never physically hurt anyone” says the man setting back cancer research in the US by decades and purposely starving poor people abroad (and at home).
But not unlike Hitler, he never actually physically pulled a trigger, or set an electric car on fire, or stole food from a hungry person, so really the hate against him is totally irrational and comes outta nowhere. s
Not to be pedantic, but Hitler was in heavy combat in WW1, so he’s actually pulled the trigger several times and we have no idea how many people he directly personally hurt or killed. Elon Musk would never let himself be put in harm’s way. Hell, he’ll use his own son as a bullet shield to ensure he’s never in danger.
I hereby bestow upon you my daily pedant award. I hadn’t thought of that.
I guess I could say war doesn’t count but whatever, I was wrong. I think the rest of the sentence stands on its own.
We’re referring to the holocaust specifically. And to a lesser degree the war he lead. Hitler has an interesting history, barring the violence.
and his vice president bonespear is the same.
and also have been associated with epstien/island on occasion. setting back both social progress and STEM research, i believe stem funding has been underattack as of late, columbia university have seen bowing to trump by "reprimanding 22 students. funny the columbia university was where these type of protest started.
Apparently it only counts if you hurt people physically. Hurting their finances, support systems, healthcare, employment prospects are all fine.
I find it telling he had the self awareness to add that caveat, but in typical fashion, couldn’t follow the train of thought far enough to arrive at the logical conclusion. “I’ve taken away safety nets from the people, most are one paycheck short of being on the streets with nothing to lose, but what’s up with all these threats!?”
There’s a recent unironic Hitler Did Nothing Wrong sentiment that points out he never pulled the trigger or a lever on anyone.
I think Musk is going that route.
It’s also been used to defend Brian the dead health insurance CEO.
There’s a recent unironic Hitler Did Nothing Wrong sentiment that points out he never pulled the trigger or a lever on anyone.
You mean the one he specifically amplified on his own site? Methinks he sees some parallels himself.
He thinks he’s orders of magnitude smarter than anyone else and nobody with guts could possibly see those parallels.
Frankly, we’ve been doing a great job of proving him correct.
He’s still quite happy, healthy, and wealthy.
I highly doubt he is happy
I think he’s about as happy as any human being can be. Sure he has his less than perfect, probably performative sad moments on camera, but as they say, it’s hard to frown on a jetski.
I know this is beside the point & off topic, but Hitler is well known for pulling the trigger at least once…
He did what many time travelers aspire to.
Oh, no. I don’t think you fully understand. He’s aware of what he’s doing to us. But as far as he’s concerned, we simply do not have the right to be upset about any of this, let alone fight back.
That is the way
elitesparasites think. That’s how truly twisted they’re minds, not to mention morals, have become. The pain is intentional. But he honestly believes we deserve to be hurt, and further that he’s doing is a favor by reminding us of “our place”.Don’t make the mistake of sympathizing with the enemy.
It’s not that we deserve to be hurt, it’s that he is helpng us, saving us and the pain that comes with that isn’t his fault. It’s the fault of the oppressors he has saved us from.
Oh, I still think you’re being far more charitable than you realize. To people like him, we’re lesser. But their warped views rob themselves of a certain, I dunno, fulfillment. And if he’s not happy, and we’re less than him…
Elitesparasites are sociopathic to the extreme. This poisons every thought, choice, and action. They do not think like you. This basic empathy you keep circling back to? The very definition of sociopath is that they do not have the ability to empathize.It really is much worse than you seem to think.
Not hard to believe.
Prob is always hard to cite the this kind of claim but idk, whatcha been reading where?
Source? Straight out of my ass, technically. In other words I didn’t have anything good to refer you to off the top of my head, but if you start just with the dictionary definition of sociopath you should see what I’m basing my argument from.
😉 thanks
“It’s not like I killed anybody. I mean, I gave the orders but they didn’t say no.”
Exactly. Just like fElon reminded us the other day - it was the public workers that killed people, not Hitler.
You could literally torture people to death without physically hurting them.
He’s just drawing a false equivalence between not physically hurting people and never harming people.
I’m sure the people that he’s targeted on social media feel harmed, like the “pedo guy” for example.
No one realizes the damage an insurance company can do, because they are all clean and and they have shiny offices.
They never stabbed anyone.
“I’ve never physically hurt anyone” - That is very oddly phrased. He is very aware that he is hurting people, but tries to draw the line at “physically” for some reason. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the line he’s drawing for himself that he will soon step over and ignore because he believes he is being treated unfairly and needs to take his gloves off.
Nobody has physically hurt him either
yet, not sure why he’s complainingThere’s an “I didn’t break their teeth, jaw, nose, orbital, shoulders, elbows, hands, knees and feet. That was “someone’s” hired goons, and it was only because they “fell” down a flight of stairs.” overtly winking “I’m clearly in no way legally responsible.” sort of a vibe to this guy.
You know when children keep their fingers like half a centimeter away from someone and go “why are you getting annoyed? I’m not touching you!”
That’s him.
“physically” is quite an admission
I’ve never physically hurt anyone.
This is called a suspiciously specific denial.
Like saying “I was never convicted for shooting anyone in the head with a 9mm.”
Another common example of this is the conservative justices testifying under oath before confirmation to the supreme court. Whenever they were asked about something like Roe vs. Wade, they always were suspiciously specific in the words they used to deny they were going to outlaw abortion.
there is no violence against him remember, just the hate. dude is overreacting like a little bitch.
Funny how he says he never ‘physically’ hurt anyone, instead of he ‘never hurt anyone, period’. Because he knows if he said he never hurt anyone, he’d get called out for all the crap and shady dealings he’s done, and all the people whose lives he’s ruined.
“Boo hoo have empathy for me” - Elom
“But also, empathy is a bug in human society hurr durr im smort”
Not for lack of wishing
The person who cheered a genocide and called Arabs the enemy claims he never physically hurt anyone.
Well damn. Didn’t even know about that.
Me neither. This whole calling people aliens thing is really something out of the most horror… Realities?
C’mon guys, he didn’t personally design a car who’s doors won’t open if the car is, let’s say, “on fire”.
Security measures: we don’t want the fire to spread outside, don’t we?
The full quote is even worse.
My companies make great products that people love and I’ve never physically hurt anyone.
So why the hate and violence against me?
Because I am a deadly threat to the woke mind parasite and the humans it controls.
So basically he’s saying - “I never harm anyone…the left only hates me because I’m a deadly threat to them (and that thing I made up to dismiss everything they say)”
Also, just wanna point out he’s definitely killed/is killing people.
I’m so glad that I was taught how to diagram sentences in middle school because when I see something like this I immediately strip it down to it’s most basic structure. “I am a threat to humans.”
teenagers: “Why do we ever need this?”
teachers: “To take down fascism”
Self admitted deadly threat to humans. Got it.
This guy is LARPing Hitler in real time at this point.
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he could have made different choices, he simply didn’t.
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Some of the whites under apartheid went on to be good people. We just lost an amazing one the other day.
I know he had an evil family but it’s Musk’s choice to lean into it.
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Not trying to “endorse” whites under apartheid. I literally protested it and participated in the boycott of them.
Ethnicity isn’t what makes people evil. Even if you are born into an evil society it’s what you choose to do about that which determines if you are evil.
Targeting people because of their race instead of who they are and what they do - that WAS Apartheid. It’s lazy thinking at best and at worst it leads to all the same discrimination and other evil shit we are up against.
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Well I agree with all that.
Is the woke mind parasite in the room with us, Elon?
God I wish I was
This in combination with the retweet about “Hitler didn’t kill millions” is really frightening!
Thanks for asking bro, here are a few tips:
- try to avoid the Hitlergruß next time you’re on stage
- don’t randomly fire people who do a good job just because you don’t understand what they do
- don’t piggyback on neurodiversity as an excuse for asshole behavior
- try to sincerely say sorry to someone at least once in your life. It feels good and makes you more human!
- go to therapy if you need it, there is no shame in it
Also, at the end of the day, all forms of hurting someone are also physical.
He has hurt plenty of people though.
People have DIED because his cars are shit & he lied about what they can actually do.
He didn’t design, engineer, or build those. You give him too much credit. His input likely amounted to “make it cheaper and raise the price”
Arguably he made Tesla’s autopilot shittier by removing LIDAR because it was too expensive.
He also promoted, and named it autopilot. Which could at least be fraud, and if you or I or any other non-billionaire sold something similarly misrepresented, we’d be liable for the deaths and fraud.
Tesla has never had LIDAR. They used to have radar and ultrasonic sensors.
I’m speculating but it seems plausible to also make decisions like start selling the cars even though the engineers are saying they are not ready yet.
I’d also say irrespective of whether or not he designed, built or engineered any of the cars he is still accountable for what happens with those cars.
The person on top is accountable for it all. It may not be his fault someone could be sloppy in their work and he is still accountable for it.
The managers who let things slide, the CEO is accountable. If these managers hired people not up to the task, the manager is responsible & accountable for those staff and the CEO is responsible and accountable for anything the managers & staff do.
If I as a CEO had an accountant not paying the right taxes, the accountant may be at fault and lose his job but it’s still my responsibility and accountability those taxes are paid.
There is no world where CEO isn’t accountable for the actions of the company. (In theory…)
Unfortunately we live in a world where the CEO’s often have no consequences for the actions of their companies and the existing laws and structures to hold them to account are insufficient.
He’s the one who sets company culture as CEO, so the “move fast and break things” that got that lady stuck in her car while she drowned is his fault, and it will get a whole lot more killed when they actually enable that autopilot of theirs on the cars.
ignore QC, thats why some of his regular tesla have problems.
it would be hilarious if motherfuckers shitposted elon down from his throne. it would be my favorite timeline.