The problem wasn’t really Reagan, though, it was all the wormtongues whispering in his ear. If it wasn’t Reagan, they’d have found some other useful idiot.
Look at the incredibly shitty job Bush I did, by contrast, with many of the same assholes chirping in his ar. We’d be in a much better position if he’d never been president.
Whenever the ‘smother Hitler as a baby’ topic comes up, my first instinct is generally, ‘can we do Reagan too’?
Also Putin, right?
And Trump and Gingrich.
The problem wasn’t really Reagan, though, it was all the wormtongues whispering in his ear. If it wasn’t Reagan, they’d have found some other useful idiot.
No, the problem was very much Reagan.
Look at the incredibly shitty job Bush I did, by contrast, with many of the same assholes chirping in his ar. We’d be in a much better position if he’d never been president.
Reagan spent at least half of his administration suffering from alzhiemers. He was most definitely a puppet, though a charismatic one.