They don’t have what we would recognize as an economy, but they do have resources and are on rare occasions willing to trade them with outsiders. (See: Voyager) I can imagine some particularly risk-inclined ferengi trying to strike a deal. Gives me a “goodlife” from Saberhagen’s Beserkers kind of vibe.
Internal thoughts cannot be monetized. The flipside of ‘you cannot be sued for copyright infringement for having unoriginal thoughts.’
Rule of acquisition number 294: Everything can be monetized with the right attitude.
I would like to nominate you for the next Grand Nagus. You clearly have the lobes necessary.
What about the borg? Can they sue the collective if they have an original thought?
Hmm, the Borg are probably the Ferengi’s worst nightmare. Being a hive mind, they don’t have an economy…which means no profit!
They don’t have what we would recognize as an economy, but they do have resources and are on rare occasions willing to trade them with outsiders. (See: Voyager) I can imagine some particularly risk-inclined ferengi trying to strike a deal. Gives me a “goodlife” from Saberhagen’s Beserkers kind of vibe.
I don’t know the legal ramifications, but you’d think any thoughts arising from the collective would be public domain.