Ahh yes - comment saying Trump voters are terrible and deserve what they get gets deleted by mod. Good to see where this ridiculous instance resides in the debate of fascism and fascists. Happy to block you fashies and move on.
That’s the exact opposite of what Americans elected the orange utan for.
But don’t let reality disturb your MAGA fantasy world…I’m sure you are correct but I am equally sure that they (those who voted for Trump) are willing to suffer higher prices for him. At least based on everything (I have seen of the way) media and social media are depicting his followers.
His die-hard core followers, the trailer park Nazis and redneck KKK, yes. But not the common folks who were somehow convinced that blatant lies and fascist proposals from a convicted felon and insurrectionist were somehow more acceptable than a terrible - but otherwise normal - democratic candidate. I guarantee you the latter will not have any patience for prices that don’t come down as promised “on day one”, missed social security paychecks, their holiday in Yosemite cancelled because the park is closed, inflation and high energy prices.
It depends on if their tolerance for economic hardship is higher or lower than their level of bigotry and racism.
That’s the thing: I don’t think a lot of the people who helped voting Trump in are actually bigots or racist, just misinformed naive fools. The harsh realities of life under Trump will quickly suss them out of their naivete.
At least this once: you can’t fix stupid and they’ll do it again next time someone tells them something they want to hear.
The last time Democrats won the white vote was 1964. 1964 also happens to be the year the civil rights act was enacted ending segregation. Draw your own conclusions.
We like to pretend that was all in the distant past and things are different now. In some ways that’s true, but at the same time there are a lot of black people alive right now who weren’t allowed to use the same water fountain or attend the same school as white people. It’s not as far in the past as most of us like to think it is.
But not the common folks
That is why I said ~“based on what I have seen”. I wanted to indicate that this was my biased observation.
He could ban the sale of everything and his followers will pretend it’s an amazing idea.
We should tell him price controls are the only way to fix the cost of eggs, it will be funny
And rationing. Because freedom is when the government tells you how many eggs you can buy.
And as in most things, Republicans are wrong.
It certainly worked during COVID. Republicans said they’d rather die than give up their unmasked freedom. Hard to ask their graves if they regret that, though.
they’d rather die than give up their unmasked freedom.
When they said that they meant other people, not themselves. As someone who works in my conservative state’s largest ER and only trauma 1 ward, pretty much everyone who died were completely baffled why they were being put on ventilators, including their families.
No one imagines it’s going to be them who ends up in the ground, they just want to continue doing what they want do without being told no. I think the big difference is that no one is going to expect other people to pay for their groceries.
I think most people have just internalized that they are the main character and they have plot armour.
Well, if you define republicans as those in power and of the republican party. Sure.
They feel that general Americans (their cash cow) can put out more milk before souring. So milk away, they need that extra comma or two.
Lets see how true this is. I suspect it is not.
The fuck I am.
I hope maga becomes homeless