A New York court has found former president Donald J. Trump guilty on 34 felonies in connection utilizing a fixer to commit tax and business fraud to silence a potentially damaging victim during the 2016 presidential elections.

Sentencing is set for July 11th. The former president will be held under Secret Service protection at Rikers Island prison till that date.

Donald Trump is the first US President to be accused and successfully tried for felony charges.

The bread and circuses of the empire continue to work as intended. Democrats rejoice as if this has single-handedly saved the world, and reactionaries fume that their outwardly fascist figurehead has faced a tiny percentage of the consequences for his actions.

  • Lemmykoopa@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    Regardless it’s funny. And it’ll be great watching the dem meltdown when he serves exactly 0 days behind bars. They’ll still proclaim it a symbolic victory ofc

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    Figures. Not held accountable for any of his actual serious crimes against humanity - which he and every other US president have committed btw - but for some boring, bog standard corruption.

    Speaking of corruption, are senators and congress representatives ever getting held accountable for insider trading any time soon? No? Yeah…so this is just some cheap circus to distract the blue maga crowd.

    It’s also going to massively backfire if they think this will improve genocide Joe’s chances. Then again i remain convinced that the two party electoral system is just a shell game and the constant alternating is exactly what the elites and both parties want.

    It’s a neat little trick that allows them to never have to take responsibility for doing fuckall for the people (while doing everything for the billionaires) and always blame the other side.

    • CCCP Enjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      We can objectively say that in the US it’s a greater crime to pay hush money to a sex worker, than it is to assassinate a leader of a nuclear-armed country. 👍

    • supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      It works for the people that never have to brush up against it. Those people will remain in a delusion unfortunately even as this goes nowhere.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    Related digression: I really don’t understand why so many people here and on hexbear have this idea that it’s impossible for him to go to prison, when no it’s impossible for him to face consequences for doing things presidents are supposed to do like imperialism, it’s very possible for them to destroy him and ruin his life to permanently remove him from the picture because he’s an annoyance to the deep institutions of state and imperial power.

    They simply pretend the issue is he acted in some way differently than other presidents, pearl-clutch about institutions and rules of how you’re supposed to do corruption with all your I’s dotted and T’s crossed. It doesn’t matter if Biden and his son are corrupt as fuck, it doesn’t matter if the next person is as well. Consistency has never been a necessity so long as they can pretend there is some difference. And at the end of the day as much as reactionaries will hoot and holler, all the actually violent fascist militias are on a short FBI leash and none of them are going to do any meaningful violence against institutional liberals or the state in response if he’s sent up the river for the rest of his natural life.

    It’ll just become another gripe, another issue in their culture war ranting and it’ll become a plank of the party and candidates to try and secure his release. Fact is Democrats are competent administrators of empire and I think honestly there’s a decent chance CIA, the deep parts of the state and intelligence apparatus have decided to go with them for a while and make an example out of Trump for trying to do petty gangsterism with their sophisticated empire and generally making them look as bad as they are with silly things like saluting generals in the DPRK which really rubs these kind of institutional American greatness mytho weirdos the wrong way. It’ll in a way get the reactionaries plenty worked up and perfect for unleashing on the growing left as a result of the Palestinian genocide and other situations unfold. They’ll be let to vent their anger beating up and killing anti-genocide protestors, antifa, communist meetings, and anyone left of the State Dept on China.

    I don’t think Trump is smart enough to have some reasonable memory of classified secrets or some way to leak them to punish the US state and threaten it if it tries to send him to prison.

    Best case he gets out after spending a little time in prison, wins the election and begins brutal recriminations against the Democratic party and Biden’s administration. Real let them fight hours. Worst case he goes to prison, stays there, rots there, liberals clink their champagne classes, declare the institutions have won, America is back, brunch is on and continue with the whole charade of calling all dissent against the DNC and US foreign policy “Russian propaganda”. I just find smug liberals so annoying so naturally I want them to suffer and honestly the more they do the more the illusion crumbles I think.

  • big_spoon@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    utilizing a fixer to commit tax and business fraud

    well…they just need to prosecute the rest of those porkies that do the same!

    Donald Trump is the first US President to be accused and successfully tried for felony charges

    they take the “land of freedom” too seriously, letting all those felons going around

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    I’m hoping this all escalates after the election (that Trump probably is going to win, and I couldn’t care less- Genocide Joe or Genocide Trump, pick your poison- but those who support either of these evils just for their table scraps deserve all the hell they’re gonna get and more) into all-out lawfare on both sides, worse than it already is.

    Aside from the fact that all these political elites are war criminals (but that’s celebrated and part of the job requirements in the west, and especially in the US), anyone with half a brain knows there’s enough actual corruption there to make all these monsters hang, anyways. They’re only going after Trump- and with small, pathetic, and hilariously hypocritical cases at that- because they dislike him, and I hope it blows up in their- all their faces (Trump’s included, but frankly my antipathy for the bloodthirsty neocons, who have far more blood on their hands, and are also more competent at inflicting terror across the world than the Orange Man, is greater).