
Proud Chinese (ethnic only sadly). Not at all proud and wholly ashamed/alienated Canadian. Trans gaymer, also I like tabletop…

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月13日

  • Honestly I don’t see it, or at least not from this screenshot alone. I’d say the same myself, none of the “freedoms” in the west are genuine (they are but “negative liberties-” freedom from interference rather than empowerment- and are realistically treated more like suggestions only those who can afford them can fully realize, and which can and will be taken away at the drop of a hat). And “freedom” built on and sustained by countless genocides (and now industrial scale genocide in Gaza) is worse than a farce.

    I don’t know much about him otherwise, so maybe he is a patsoc, hell if I know.

  • I mean, I don’t want people to die

    Hell, I’ll just say it outright- I do (though this is no statement of intent whatsoever).

    Genocidaires should die. Imperialists should die. Those who gleefully engage in war crimes of the highest order should die. No questions asked; if they get better perhaps they can be spared (though that should be entirely up to the mercy or lack thereof of the victims or the judgement of the world at large IMO- and even then it is a matter of whether sparing them, taking the time and resources to rehabilitate them and keep watch over them is a risk that can be afforded). But getting better is to be done on their own initiative, if time and humanity happens to move past them (if the consequences of their actions catch up to them before they have made such a change) then whatever happens, happens- no tears shed, no spilt milk, nothing of value lost.

  • Looking it up and examining the motives and context (as someone who didn’t know much about it beforehand)- my opinion is that Corday is a perfect example of the “bleeding heart moderate” who has infinite sympathy for capitalists and even in some degree the nobility, while sparing little in comparison to those victimized most by society, and with no true loyalty to the revolution and the dignity and self-determination of the masses- a natural backstabber, striking when and where the revolution (or specific revolutionaries, in a very literal sense in the case of Marat’s assassination) was most vulnerable.

    In another life, perhaps she would have been a Gorbachev, or a Yeltsin. She strikes me as exactly the kind of person who any revolution must defend itself against, a threat just as dangerous if not more so than any external enemy.

  • from a Sino-Roman perspective africa was the second continent/world “discovered”

    Is that even the case, though? Certainly not for the Romans (to whom Africa may as well have been next door, whose early rivals were the Carthaginians, and whose writing system ultimately originated from the much more ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs).

    And the Chinese trade contacts with Africa, while originally indirect, were such that Africa was not exactly unknown to them (and Zheng He’s voyages were more about establishing direct contact/etc). Distant and mysterious, maybe (like how Rome and China saw each other for most of history) but not “undiscovered” by any means, and with continuous and ancient trade routes.

  • I don’t blame the individuals for how they were raised, but this widespread ignorance is unforgivable. Nearly everyone in the US is in desperate need of reeducation

    I don’t blame them, yes (as I used to be one- Canadian myself). But they can either learn- and the knowledge is available- or when the time comes, if they cannot and will not learn, they can get the wall.

    As you said, it is unforgivable. It is a level of ignorance that ensures that they will continue the genocidal, monstrous ideologies of Manifest Destiny/settler-colonialism, and that they will stand in the way of progress and as enemies of the rest of humanity.

    They can learn or, if unwilling, in any decent system, die (whether through active measures or dying out naturally). Humanity cannot coexist with such evils, even if the rest of humanity tried the nature is such that it would only come back to terrorize them, to repeat the cycle until reeducated or put down for good.

  • I wonder if they have a point that Trump and the rethuglicans actually will be able to destroy the extremely miniscule amount of freedoms or privileges that Americans enjoy.

    You mean, if Trump will be able to destroy those “freedoms,” before the liberals have the chance to do so? Maybe they have a point, but it’s not much of one (and they play an equal or greater role in accelerating this process IMO) and they don’t exactly promise to change the course (which they have been the ones to push through, more so than Trump and well before Trump was ever elected).

    IMO- don’t fall for their schtick. Neither side has anything meaningful to offer (and refuses to offer anything meaningful) other than threats that the other will do exactly as they have and are blatantly intending- and fearmongering about the red/blue doing it first and “to the wrong people.”

    And Klanmala and the “establishment” (liberal faux-progressive ghouls, as well as blatantly honest and murderous ghouls endorsing her like Dick Cheney- that alone should say everything) are guilty of far worse, and will certainly do far worse than the nasty orange man ever could (though it’s not for lack of trying).