Ever since getting an EV, I’ve noticed drivers to be a-holes! This guy in a huge truck spit in my direction for no reason!

All over social media people will key teslas, and talk crap. Has anyone else had weird experiences?

  • BerryPossible@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’ve not had any bad experiences in public. Online seems to be the breeding ground for Luddite personalities. Best to just ignore those threads or social platforms where that negative mindset flourishes

    • BlazinAzn38@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I live in the middle of F150 country and have only had positive experiences. I feel like people just read into people being assholes while driving. They weren’t an asshole to you because your car is electric they’re just assholes

    • BornAsADatamine@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Just responding to you because you’re the top comment.

      I dislike electric cars. Firstly they aren’t really any better for the environment than gas cars because only like %30 of emissions from cars come from the literal tailpipe of the car. And in the US you still have the same problem, You’ve just moved the tailpipe. The vast majority of emissions come from manufacturing, maintenance of the cars themselves as well as maintenance of roads and everything else that cars allow. Electric cars are just large corporations trying to sell you the idea that we can consume our way out of a problem that was caused by overconsumption. Even besides the fact that they aren’t very green, Cars are extremely inefficient people movers and extremely dangerous.

      Truly green transportation, and what I believe to be the future of moving people will be walkable cities, electric trains that come so often you don’t need to check a schedule, and bicycles.

      Electric cars are an ok bandaid but still have mostly the same problems as internal combustion cars.

      Check out /R/fuckcars and notjustbikes on YouTube for more info. Also the book walkable cities by Jeff speck has an entire chapter about why electric cars suck.

      • Wayne-The-Boat-Guy@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        One thing I thing many people overlook is how in many ways, and for many people, an electric car is a more PLEASURABLE option over gas vehicles.

        No oil changes, no warm up time, 99% of the time there’s no ‘fueling up’ out in the cold (charging at home in the garage), and they’re smoother, quieter and faster.

        The arguments over “which is greener” and how it’s some giant conspiracy lie are arguments that will exist until this generation is dead. “Those dang horseless carriages WILL NEVER replace a horse!!!”

        • BornAsADatamine@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          It’s not a giant conspiracy, it’s just that cars are extremely inefficient transportation and are unsustainable, and dangerous. The goal should be reducing car usage to as little as possible and what’s left should be electric. I don’t think your horse and buggy analogy is applicable here because you’re the one who’s advocating for a nearly 100 year old technology over modern design and infrastructure principles.

          Personally I’d rather have an electric car than a gas car but I’d rather not have to own a car at all. I’d rather have safe, walkability with public transit so robust that I can get anywhere I need to go without checking a schedule.

      • Zerrul@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Youre definitely not wrong in that evs can be as bad as an ice, though you overstate the equivaence of emissions created at the start of a vehicles life.



        “Last year, researchers from the universities of Cambridge, Exeter and Nijmegen in The Netherlands found that in 95% of the world, driving an electric car is better for the environment than driving a gasoline-powered car”

        So yes, im most cases evs are better, unless the electricity you use is not renewable but rather very dirty coal. I live in ontario, where we run nuclear and hydro, fully green energy. In my case, an ev easily cuts total emissions in half.

        Of course, bikes would be a dream. I love biking, i watch notjustbikes, and ive visited countries with biking infrastructure that is amazing. Unfortunately, western society is not build for bikes. Neighbourhoods are literally designed around cars (wtf!), but this feedback loop means more cars and more cities built for cars.

        So whats the plan? Deconstruct america? Or take a step to produce a car that can be better for the environment while simultaneously increasing renewable energy production (bidens renewables stuff?).

        • BornAsADatamine@alien.topB
          10 months ago

          Yes they’re better for the environment, I didn’t say they weren’t. I said they’re a good band aide but can’t be viewed as a long term sustainable solution.

          But yeah, we’re going to have to overhaul our transportation infrastructure in the US in order to overcome this problem long term. Jeff speck does a pretty good job and describing where to get started with that in his book walkable cities. Some first steps might include removing mandatory parking requirements and making it legal to build mixed use developments.

    • shumyum@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      ZERO problems here either and I live in Iowa. Gotten a few thumbs up from other EV drivers of all makes.

      Haven’t seen that much on social media either except weird disinformation stuff like possibly the OP.

    • CountVertigo@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Yup, same here. I guess I get overtaken more often, but that’s about as bad as it gets in person. The shit talking happens online - but it’s mostly confined to car discussion circles.

      What’s pretty hilarious is that if you go back nearly 30 years, to a Friends episode in the first season, Rachel has a bad date with a guy who can’t stop ranting about Ed Begley Jr’s EV (“I’m like, hey, get a real car!”). The mindset doesn’t seem to be a new thing.

      I’d guess it comes from the same place as people who rant about vegans, as if the thing that bothers them more than anything in the world is vegans saying that they’re vegan. The very word is offensive to them. It’s very hard to understand.