wizard skating, software, design, …
Probably a new wizard skate, I guess.
I think most of his own videos are tasteless and barely funny. But this one is great.
Thanks a lot for sharing! His previous videos on that topic also seem interesting.
Nils Frahm, his albums are quite different from each other; here are some I like in no particular order:
Thanks for pointing me to KORDHELL!
Sounds nice, would you share a video of someone skating the style you strive for?
I happened to listen to Look Mum No Computer when I started learning inline skating. Today, I still enjoy listening to these two albums in particular:
Also, I really enjoyed the track in the beginning of The Wizard of Wall Street, Slowdance, and sometimes listened to it when skating; unfortunately, I don’t like any of the artist’s other songs.
When I need something more upbeat, I often go for Thick Boy Records.
Nicht direkt ein Ohrwurm, ist mir aber hängen geblieben: Team Scheisse – Schmetterling
Currently I enjoy wizard skating the most: It’s full of technical challenges, but it also has a relatively low risk of injury.
I’d like to do more aggressive street stuff, but neither do I want to buy another pair of skates nor do I want to change frames frequently.
For now I’ll keep improving my wizard skills until I feel confident enough to try more park and street tricks.
These two videos convinced me to give wizard skating a try:
Previously I only skated quads, but I felt more comfortable on blades relatively quickly.
Okay, so I assume you want to skate on quads.
I would recommend to just get some cheaper, maybe used skates, I would recommend softer wheels.
Also, get protective gear and wear it:
The protection can help take away fear of falling, which is so important for making progress.
Start on flat surfaces, learn how to brake as soon as you are able to gain some momentum. There are many good tutorials on youtube (Indy Jamma Jones, Skatie, Dirty School of Skate, …).
If there is a quad skating community in your area try getting in contact, it is much more fun that way. Maybe there are rinks where you live, offering beginner courses. And don’t be afraid of falling, everybody had to start somewhere.
Focus on the basics first, then progress to park and jam stuff. Good luck and have fun!
I’ll join you in your corner. 🫂
Do you want to conform to any gender? If so, why?
What do you think makes one non-binary?
What do you want do try: quad skating or inline skating?
Also, what are you interested in?
They really do look sleek, very nice!
What kind of surface do you usually skate on? Maybe your streets are more on the rougher side?
Also, the hardness of the wheels might not be optimal for durability.
When you decide to get new wheels you might check out this video first, it also talks about rotating the wheels (which, I suppose, is the same as twisting them?).
I see, that makes sense! Thanks!
Thanks for the info, glad you found a nice setup! Never considered heating the boot itself, seems kinda risky.
It turned out that the Intuition liners do adapt to your feet after skating them for a while. I could even put the valcro butterflies back on for better responsiveness without introducing new hot spots.
How about the 2nd Skin liners? Did they require much breaking in? Or did they fit right away?
Seems like a decent pair of skates, glad you found something that works well for you!
Can you maybe explain the wheel setup? I guess with 80-80-76-76 you are referring to different sizes; what benefits do you gain from this arrangement compared to a flat setup?
Will report back with a longer term review if anyone’s interested.
If you like to, please do!
They do offer some strange technology. Even after reading most of their explanations I still don’t quite get how this kind of rockering is supposed to help but as I said, I have no clue about hockey. Anyway, fascinating stuff!
Yep, new boots: https://wizardskating.com/collections/boots