Hair loss is caused by a multitude of factors, including aging, stress, hormonal imbalances and bad genetics.
“Bad” genetics?! Damn, that’s a little fucking judgmental for what is ultimately just a cosmetic issue.
Hair loss is caused by a multitude of factors, including aging, stress, hormonal imbalances and bad genetics.
“Bad” genetics?! Damn, that’s a little fucking judgmental for what is ultimately just a cosmetic issue.
Hair loss remedies are always criticized on the grounds that you need to continue using them to continue seeing the benefits.
I don’t know why this complaint surfaces for hair loss medications in particular, when a lot of things are like this. Insulin. Depression drugs. All supplements. Etc.
Russia may want a pause of several years to allow Ukraine’s arms support relationships with the West to expire, whereupon it would attack again, this time informed by everything that went wrong in this recent war.
I dunno. Maybe? It’s just a thought.
Trump is all about shifting defense responsibility onto Europe but isn’t it the case that the US proactively claimed responsibility for defense of virtually every sphere where it has interests? We have the largest military in the world by FAR and bases everywhere, and have allowed others to spend less on defense because we want to be the ones with the big stick. It’s a little ironic for Trump to complain that everyone has allowed us to pursue this policy we have been driving for decades.
Thank you for taking the time to post this. I didn’t have the energy to explain to all the teenagers here that these companies have two choices: comply with this completely legal name change, or go to war with the White House over it to make some kind of statement. Gee I’d love it if big companies were out there jousting windmills over principles but I’d never expect it in a million years, at any stage of capitalism or under any other economic system. The business of business is business.
I was already decidedly against ever buying one and now I’m just laughing my ass off.
Whilst these incidents are rare, we have a zero-tolerance policy to bullying, harassment, or any form of abusive behaviour towards our cast, crew, or staff. Anyone engaging in such conduct will be removed from the venue immediately.
Uh, so why did the cast have to walk out and end the show? Drag the bigot out to the street: problem solved. The show must go on.
This has to be the cheekiest headline I’ve seen in the last 7 minutes
When a child first hears an adult express a racist attitude they are confused and don’t know what to think. They may not even understand who is in the group being maligned or even have a concept of groups. And even if they do, they may think “huh? I didn’t realize they were all bad.” But like a lot of things you hear as a kid, it just kind of sinks in.
And that seed has been planted. From there, confirmation bias does the rest. Anytime that growing person sees a member of that other group doing something wrong, they notice it and think “hey that’s what Dad was talking about.” Any such missteps from a member of that group get assigned to the whole group. Of course, people not in that group are judged as individuals. Classic in-group / out-group thinking, which is universal.
By the time the person is grown up enough to think properly, they may have accumulated lots of these moments of confirmation bias. By then it’s likely that they start assigning blame to this group by default. Litter on the ground? Probably one of them. Something got stolen? Probably one of them. And of course if race relations are inflamed in general there may be plenty of active fuel for the fire. A gang of “them” beat up one of “us.” Now it’s basically war, and the person we’re talking about didn’t have to do anything or be a direct victim of anything. It’s all just socially transmitted and then reinforced through observation with cognitive bias. Incidentally, this is why we should never stop talking about racism openly, because that’s the only way to interrupt this process going on in the back of peoples minds. Yeah, sorry, Morgan Freeman.
I am with you as a fellow lazy person who can’t spare the energy. But I can see how easily others slip into it. Hitler of course used it to galvanize people and turn that in-group / out-group energy into a political force.
OP’s stated goal is to lose weight and I’m just commenting on that basis. I like cookies too.
In real life I’m hardly a proponent of skipping life’s rich pleasures. But if weight loss is the goal, a little restraint is a hell of a lot more practical than a lot of exercise.
That’s perfectly okay as long as the ratio of 20 minutes per cookie is understood.
OP has a goal to lose weight though, not just stand still. And with the busy schedule they described, 40 minutes of exercise is hard to fit in, whereas not eating 2 cookies takes no time, and if anything puts time back in your day.
Star Wars has a million things like Bothans that are mentioned in passing or that flash across the screen for one second, which then get a whole elaborate back story treatment in the novels or comics or whatever. I’m sure there’s some trilogy of novels about the Bothans and their spy hyjinx and their profuse dying.
Moi non plus
We have one that indexes all the wikis and GDocs and such at my work and it’s incredibly useful for answering questions like “who’s in charge of project 123?” or “what’s the latest update from team XYZ?”
I even asked it to write my weekly update for MY team once and it did a fairly good job. The one thing I thought it had hallucinated turned out to be something I just hadn’t heard yet. So it was literally ahead of me at my own job.
I get really tired of all the automatic hate over stupid bullshit like this OP. These tools have their uses. It’s very popular to shit on them. So congratulations for whatever agreeable comments your post gets. Anyway.
Really? AI has been marketed as being able to count the r’s in “strawberry?” Please link to this ad.
Working out isn’t the primary path to losing weight, though it is of course a big part of staying healthy.
You burn quite a lot of calories in a day just from being alive. The additional calories you’d burn from a brisk 20 minute walk might about to one cookie. It’s far easier to just not eat the cookie.
Reddit was obscure and nerdy for a long time too. Look at it now.
You’re probably underselling yourself. Obviously everyone who can read this made it over this barrier so I knew there was a high probability of responses like “It doesn’t seem hard to me.”
I understand. But I’ve actually had lots of opportunities to sit in a usability lab, observing digital product testing with regular people. And let me tell you, most of them struggle with basics. TBH it can be hard at times to keep from bursting out laughing.
You’re making a good faith effort to inquire into some views being expressed here, and getting a bunch of pompous, hand wavy answers (as well as some reading assignments you must complete before speaking again!).
All I will say is that if these morons cannot even explain their definition in anarchy to you, when you’re asking in good faith, what hope do they have to actually carry out this fantasy with all of humanity? Inevitable, indeed…
Dude, if this upsets you, consider that there are promising signs we may be able to significantly slow or even reverse aging itself within the next 50 years.
This means that it will have taken humanity 10 or 20 thousand generations, since our origins, to achieve immortality. But you, me, and everyone reading this is going to miss out on that by about 2.