Understanding so shallow you need Low-angle X-ray Diffraction to quantify it
Liberals don’t understand words, only tone example 900028261
Nah, they’re right you just suck
Did you forget to ask someone?
As it turns out twitter gotchas don’t win wars
Wdym, that’s a standard work hour
So, even less effectively from a military standpoint. This shit has never worked - not in ww2, not in Korea, or Cambodia, nor in Vietnam. Fucking fascists are born losers
The wunderwaffen discourse in liberal media has been so tedious. Russia has had this deep strike capability since the start, and however painful, it demonstrably is not enough to buckle a country and magically end the war. So why the fuck would it work the other way around you brainless dipshits?!
Sounds about wrong (in a moral sense)
Gear up means buy our overpriced wunderwaffen I assume
<describes a fucking colonial plantation>
Young people choosing to not go into finance and pursuing actually productive labour is an unalloyed good, you liberal fucking shitheads
<- the input
How much is that in Boeing CEO salaries? Asking for a friend