• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Russia doesn’t usually explain or elaborate that much. They just say “we only target military targets, whether obvious or disguised” and then shoot a missile at an school or something, killing civilians. And they could be telling the truth, because Ukraine has used civilian infrastructure like that before, but Russia never provides evidence that the specific school was used that way. This is pretty much the Russia/Ukraine equivalent of the tunnel system, bc you have valid military targets around/in some civilian infrastructure, but Russia ends up just bombing everything.

    You also mentioned russian attacks being “actually indiscriminate”, but half of the bombs that Israel has dropped on Gaza have been unguided, so that seems like it’s also indiscriminate.

    Also, according to this amnestly international report (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-opt-new-evidence-of-unlawful-israeli-attacks-in-gaza-causing-mass-civilian-casualties-amid-real-risk-of-genocide/), there are a lot of cases where Israel isn’t actually warning civilians before leveling their houses. They also say “Even if Israeli forces had intended to target legitimate military objectives in the vicinity, these attacks evidently failed to distinguish between military objectives and civilian objects and would therefore be indiscriminate. Indiscriminate attacks that kill and injure civilians are war crimes.”

    So yeah, it’s not really debatable that Israel is committing war crimes. Stop trying to run defense for them.

  • Israel does have to prove that they didn’t commit a horrifying war crime. Cmon.

    Also its ridiculous that you’re falling back on calling me antisemitic. If India did the same thing in Jammu and Kashmir, or Russia did it in Ukraine, I would also not believe any proof they presented until it was verified by a third party. That’s just basic critical thinking skills.

  • Ok, I’ll be waiting here for evidence that there were tunnels being used by hamas under every single one of those homes, and that israel was using bunker busters to actually destroy them. But I don’t expect i’ll ever get that, because Israel consistently lies about this stuff and then just waits for people to forget it instead of backing up their claims.

  • 13,000 children are dead idk why ur still trying to do this. They bombed civilian targets, they have absolutely no excuse for that. Even if they are still warning people with phone calls, (which is doubtful considering that gaza doesn’t have super reliable electricity and connectivity, and most of the people in rafah aren’t from there so israel might not even know where they are) Israel still isn’t allowed to just blow up people’s houses without actual proof that the military importance of bombing said house outweighs the fact that it’s civilian infrastructure. Same with mosques.