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Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Continuing with the real-estate discussion (I know, now I’m focusing on it ;-) ), I whole heartedly disagree. When ignoring the needs of the lower 75% of the country’s wage earners, and focusing your efforts on the upper 25%, something is glaringly, obviously wrong, and saying things like,

    It doesn’t matter who they’re targeting, because they’re increasing supply.

    shows a level of privilege that most people in the US cannot fathom or afford, myself included. That statement says…a lot, but I don’t want to devolve into ad hominin bs because now you’ve piqued my interest.

    Honestly, and I genuinely mean this, yes, I would love to know what a climate lobbyist does.

    I know tone doesn’t translate via text very well, but I can assure you I’m not desperate to have all lobbyists be inherently bad. Am I angry? Yes, but never desperate, and I’m not angry without reason. I’ve seen it directly, more than once in my lifetime, politicians and policy be influenced by the efforts of lobbyists and their money. Not just something I read in the news, heard on the radio, or saw on a website. I’ve seen funding pulled from one project to another because of lobbyists. Not because the project the funding was being pulled from wasn’t worthy, but our lobbyists weren’t as good (or willing to donate as much) as their lobbyists.

    It’s a system that allows to much room for abuse, is abused every single day. Even if for something as noble as a climate lobbyist, the quote “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” I would think still rings true (religious connotations notwithstanding).

    Now don’t ask me how to fix it all because I have no clue. Maybe it’s the best we have. I dunno. 😂 I just choose, like I said earlier never to trust a politician. They’re all owned in some way by the money that puts them in power.

    Edit: I do want to say, I am enjoying this discussion. Thank you for making a long day at the office a little bit more interesting.

  • Yes I do. None of them are selling affordable single family homes.

    As a matter of fact multi-family housing is leading a housing construction “boom” as of articles published 6 days ago.

    Here’s a quote from MReport:

    Further, almost two-thirds of the apartments build during the pandemic are clustered in just 20 high-growth metropolitan areas, which make up about 41% of the total renter population in the U.S. Therefore, for many other places, the new supply barely made a dent in the existing supply. What’s more, around 89% of the apartments completed in the last three years are high-end and, thus, target upper-middle- and high-income buyers and renters.

    So they are building “multi-family homes”, but targeting, wait for it, people with lot’s of money.

    So you quit lying.

    Come to think of it, you’re singling out the and focusing on the real estate angle pretty hard. Why is that?

  • But you’re supposed to pick a side and be willing to literally lay down your life for them and their cause! Ra ra, go team go. Otherwise you’re just part of the problem according to either side.

    I agree with you and I’ll go a step further and say fuck all politicians in general. Today, they’re all owned in some way by the money that puts them in power. They’ll all tell you what you want to hear. They’re all experts in half truths. Never trust a politician.

  • Which everything you just said is encompassed by one flaw that is almost impossible to fix. Our (at least in the US) profit driven mentality, and fuck you I got mine. We will cut off our nose to spite our face in the name of profit making. We will create social programs to essentially subsidize paychecks to help people who don’t make enough to survive working 2 or 3 jobs (and then complain about those very same social programs impact on our taxes) because profits. Then we’ll move these companies to other countries in the name of profits. Then we’ll allow small businesses to get squashed by larger businesses because profits. Then we will gladly allow our retirements to be inextricably tied to the profits of these very same larger companies by giving our money back to them in our 401k’s, IRAs which creates demand for … more profits.

    So no, it’s not just a jobs issue. That’s just a symptom of the larger issue. Now queue the “you’re just a dirty communist/socialist” retorts.