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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • ‘We’re deliberately rejecting this law.’

    ‘But the law!’

    ‘Laws can be changed.’

    ‘But the law!’

    ‘This law is bad.’

    ‘But the law!’

    ‘Civil disobedience is strategic.’

    ‘But the law!’

    ‘Do you speak English?’

    ‘But the law!’

    Alongside the finger-wag to oooh-so-scary report me, yeah, I’m about done humoring you. You know less than nothing, you patience vampire. Next time try to act less stupid.

  • Oh my god, you think that’s a threat. Go right ahead. Do it. I fucking dare you. Say the worst things you can imagine about me - your imagination is sorely lacking.

    What a perfect cap to this inability to imagine anything but the status quo. On being asked why you’re lying to me, about me, you think you can threaten to run and tattle. To whom, fucknuts? The mod of this community is one of the people whose behavior you’re incapable of understanding. The admins don’t give a damn about sufficiently polite efforts to drag sense out of you.

    That you pair this with once again dismissively calling someone “kid” is masterful stupidity. It’s dumber than what I’d make up, as a joke. Bravissimo. You perfect fool.

  • Dismissive dickwad behavior is good, actually - if you’re dismissing Nazis. Or anyone else who deserves a blunt rejection. It is fine and valid to deny people civility, when their rhetoric is inherently abusive. Respect and patience have limits.

    Swearing at people absofuckinglutely has its place in online discourse. If not for the assholes themselves - then for the people they’re trying to fool.


    Discworld has a few parallel threads. Release order starts with The Colour Of Magic, which is fun and short, but not exactly top-notch material. See explanatory flowchart. Those first few novels have a real Season One vibe.

    The traditional introduction seems to be whichever book catches your eye. Or whichever you happened to find first, if you’d heard good things about the series. That’s how I wound up reading Ringworld by Larry Niven, because cultivating your interests in the 90s was a much fuzzier experience.