• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Well,. like any company really,… Apple wants to stay competitive and work to ensure their own in-house solutions work better (or have better features).

    I think Apple has a pretty good position to stay ahead of this game. They’ve done very well over the past 10 to 20 years fleshing-out the integration (overall) of their entire ecosystem,. to the point where it has a lot of upsides (to people who use it).

    If you’re already deep into the Apple ecosystem,… them adding RCS support likely isn’t going to drastically change much for you.

    A significant part of Apple’s marketing strategy is:… “Hey,. if you have 1 Apple device (say, an iPhone) and you’re thinking about buying a 2nd Apple device (MacBook, AppleTV, AppleWatch, etc),… they all work seamlessly together”

    Those “Ecosystem advantages”… are kind of Apple’s thing. No amount of “forced interoperability” is likely to change that. (IE = any User who is already in Apple Ecosystem… is unlikely to say “Hey… now I can over-ride all the defaults !”

    Windows and Android fanboys notice stuff like this. Apple fans generally don’t care.