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  • 9 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • looks like i was indeed wrong on the topic of the internal, albeit unofficial usage of the title “supreme leader”. though as i said previously this doesent really matter, since only the material conditions are relevant, not the terminology used to describe them. changing the names of things doesnt change the things themselves. if one would now analyze the realities of both halves of the korean peninsula, they would see that the north has self-determination and socialism, while the south offers nothing but foreign occupation and oppression.

    you then proceed to shift the goal posts in the discussion about the role of the kim family in comparison to the political class in the us, since the three people in question all had different positions. if one were to include the equivalent offices in the american political system into the equation, the picture becomes very different. also, in america, all those offices are in really only a facade, designed to hide the ugly face of the dictatorship of the parasitic bourgeoisie, the true rulers of the western empire and its colonies. all those rothschilds, duponts, trumps and rockefellers have been criminally amassing stolen wealth for generations, and unlike the leaders of the dprk, who truly serve the people, have never been elected. so yes, one sure does look a whole lot more democratic than the other, especially since the dprk isnt built upon war, genocide, slavery, colonialism and wage theft. making any sort of excuses for the us is like trying to excuse nazi germany.

    also lmao at you calling me gullible for not blindly believing the hegemonic propaganda narrative of the west. please educate yourself about past and present crimes of the illegal north american settler-colonial entity and ask yourself wether such a country should be trusted about anything at all.

    death to the united states of america

  • all three of them held different positions within the government. kim ilsong was president, kim chongil chairman of the national defence commission and kim chongun is president of the state affairs. all of them were elected democratically and while it may be indeed necessary to criticize the fact that this one family has a relatively disproportionate level of political influence within its country, just look at ameticas bushs, clintons and kennedys

    as you may have noticed none of those positions are called “supreme leader”, since this term is exclusively used by western media for propaganda purposes. and even if such a position did exist within the dprks political system, it wouldnt matter, since only material reality matters, not names.

  • thats what no material analysis does to a mf. there is a reason why the parasitic genocidal western bourgeoisie encourages idealist worldviews, as liberals will reassure people that the universe will eventually somehow work in our favor. meanwhile, the systems built around exploitation are using well-organized scientific methods. the people who expanded colonial power and the larger global capitalist system are utilizing scientific principles to enable exploitation while hiding these processes from the working class.

  • some of the things that i want to say here will not differentiate from the other comments in this thread, though as a russian citizen and cprf member i hope that it will offer some insight for western readers.

    i do not support the current administrations internal actions, as capitalism has brought nothing but injustice, suffering, poverty, crime and corruption. but i absolutely do support its foreign policy, especially regarding the ukrainian question. the putin government has evolved to become one of the most effective anti-imperialist forces on the planet and even if you ignore the terrible nature of the terrorist zelensky-regime one has to be grateful to our military for fighting the biggest enemy of mankind, america.

    so lets detail the happenings that led to the current situation:

    (it may be important to note that the current russian administration pushes a slightly different narrative due to sadly being a right wing state)

    banderite collaborators parading in front of nazi officers

    • the banderites (see picture), members of the fascist “organization of ukrainian nationalists” led by stepan andreyevich bandera were a gang of rapists and murderers who collaborated with the invading german hordes and assisted them by conducting acts of terror against civilians. It is important to note that popular support for them was close to zero.
    • after the victory of the heroic red army, the majority of those parasites fled to the west, predominantly to canada. they received funding from american and british intelligence agencies, which were more than happy to welcome “former” nazis into their own anti-communist ranks.
    • another subset of the banderites remained in the ukrainian ssr and conducted a campaign of terror and sabotage against the civilian population. their bloody deeds were supported by the cia and its european puppet agencies through the so called “operation aerodynamic”.

    referendum on the preservation of the ussr. its results were ignored by the anti-communists

    • After the illegal and undemocratic dissolution of the ussr, the leaders of those fascist gangs were glorified by the ukrainian far-right, with support from the cia. efforts to further their “rehabilitation” were primarily directed by nazi expatriates in canada. outlets such as voice of america portrayed them as “heroes”.

    results of the 2004 presidential election before cia intervention. this division between neonazi northwest and pro-russian southeast is visible to this day

    • in 2004, the west sabotaged the ukrainian presidential elections and installed their puppet, viktor andreyevich yushchenko, through a color revolution. he was a terrible leader, not only dismantling the remaining aspects of the ukrainian economy and managing to make life even more miserable than it already was, but also granting “hero of ukraine” status to banderite leaders and holocaust perpetrators stepan bandera and roman iosifovich shukhevich.
    ukrainian neonazis in 2014

    • in 2014, america and the west orchestrated another coup, this time not even bothering to hide the involvement of neo-nazis. the new regime perpetrated unspeakable atrocities against the russian population, whom it consideres “subhuman,” as well as against ukrainian anti-fascists. in odessa alone, 39 people were burned alive in the local trade union building.
    • those developments led to the revolution in the predominantly russian populated donbass-area and the creation off the donetsk and lugansk peoples republics, as well as the referendum in crimea that led to the peninsula finally rejoining russia. from 2014 till 2022 the majority of humanitarian aid to the donbass republics came from the cprf.
    • the reason for the smo is the ukrainian western-aligned nazi regime violating the minsk accords by refusing to demilitarize, trying to join the fascist nato-block and murdering russian civilians for years on end. the russian government showed itself extremely lenient, to lenient even, as any sensible politician would have staged a military intervention much earlier. if you need further proof for the tyrannical nature of the kievan regime just look at the fact that zelenskiy has banned all opposition parties in his country, refuses to hold elections and effectively rules as a military dictator. furthermore he has outlawed the russian language, made any negotiation with the russian state illegal and is currently selling whatever is left of his country to the highest bidder.

    combine all this with the fact that the west and its puppets need to always be opposed due to them being a cancer of humanity and youll get a pretty good picture of why to support the russian military.

  • я не из калининграда@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAnti-Hero
    27 days ago

    this is not surprising at all, since daesh is a puppet of the imperialists. they were created by the us and its saudi and kuwaiti allies from freed iraqi criminals after the 2003 war. they were used as “moderate rebels” in the 2011 libya war and are known to get healthcare, weapons and training in turkey, a nato member. they always attack us enemies, but almost never us allies. israel in particular is known for having a quite positive relationship with them, as they even apologized to the zionist entity for accidentally attacking them. the trump administration also murdered general soleimani who was instrumental in fighting against daesh and biden is continuing this pattern.