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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • She invited the American public to watch one of his weird rallies and watch how his small crowds leave early due to exhaustion and boredom.

    He could not help himself and refused to answer the next debate question spending all of his time talking about how big his rallies were, how Harris’ rallies were small and fake.

    He ended it with, and I have to preface this with the fact that this is a real thing that happened and not hyperbole I’m using for comedic effect, talking about some unhinged and completely baseless conspiracy about immigrants stealing and eating peoples pets.

  • Hosting the image on discords CDN allows you not to give out your IP address to any person that comes across the link, prevents you from getting hammered with download requests if your upload becomes popular, and allows your content to be accessed when your own machine goes to sleep or has any kind of networking interruption.

    Before discord people used to self host teamspeak or some other software. One of the big things you don’t have to think about is the person you just made a joke about or beat in an online game trying to DDOS your machine, because they don’t know where you are.

  • immutable@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldSide by Side
    12 days ago

    That’s the neat part, if you aren’t American you can agitate and tell people “don’t vote, voting for the lesser evil means you end up with slightly less evil and that’s bad, instead you should not vote or ignore mathematics existing and vote third party which is a fancy way of not voting” and then suffer no consequences.

    Tell people not to vote and the party that wants to “hurt the right people” gets into power, doesn’t matter, those policies don’t touch foreign agitators.

    I’ve been in the depths of the leftist circle jerk about this. You see if we all sat home on Election Day reading Marx, then the oligarchs who rule over us would see that no one is taking part in the charade anymore. Then those oligarchs who wield tremendous wealth and power would just give up, you know, the turnout too low. All those people refused to endorse the democratic farce any further and so clearly those with power would be so red faced with embarrassment they would voluntarily give up that power and abolish capitalism.

    Those oligarchs certainly wouldn’t be delighted by the fact that the population is even cheaper and easier to control because people are sitting out. Nope, we will certainly show them by allowing them to dominate us with even more ease and at bargain prices, certainly that will end the system.

  • I would consider myself a casual watcher of his. I used to watch more but I think his videos tipped over into a weird feeling place for me when he started putting a giant banner on the bottom of the videos about not buying LG TVs.

    I guess I missed whatever that was about, the video I was watching had nothing to do with LG TVs so it must have just been a past grievance that has sorta carried on into the video I was watching.

    I think he’s right about a lot of the positions he’s taking but I also think that spending all your time aggravated and calling out shitty corporate practices causes your outlook to change.

    If I’m recalling correctly the video I saw was about shark vacuum cleaners and I clicked it because I have a shark vacuum cleaner and I’ve watched his content before. If I’m recalling correctly the thing that had him upset was that you couldn’t purchase replacement parts on their website. And yea, that sucks.

    The thing is a lot of life sucks. In fact it’s by design, if people are seeking profit the only way you can actually generate profit is to sell something for more than it’s worth, sorta by definition. Profit seeking corporations wanting to sell you a $200 replacement vacuum instead of a $40 replacement part makes sense with the incentive structure of the world around us, even if it sucks.

    My mom used to tell me to pick my battles. I think he has sorta lost sight of that, everything is a top tier outrage. And the thing is, I don’t know if he’s even wrong, these things all suck and they are outrageous practices and companies shouldn’t fuck over the customer.

    That said, if you spend a majority of your precious and finite time existing being angry about that instead of finding some amount of joy in life, did they win or did you. The guy at shark vacuums that got a bigger salary and bonus probably doesn’t care if Louis is giving himself a rage stroke over their lack of replacement parts. 99.9% of the people buying the vacuum weren’t going to buy a replacement part, roll up their sleeves, and fix the damn thing. It’s a throw away culture, and that sucks too, but constantly being upset by the conditions you find yourself in and that are largely out of your control is a recipe for misery.

  • immutable@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDoes Wikipedia really need my donations?
    15 days ago

    Lucky for you the wikimedia foundation files annual reports https://wikimediafoundation.org/annualreports/2022-2023-annual-report/

    I think this is the latest one available.

    As to whether they need your money or not I’m a bit conflicted. They have raised and spent more and more money every year. They have a lot of money and some have argued they spend it poorly.

    On the whole though, besides asking for donations, they have maintained their goal of being ad free. If you’ve ever used a fan wiki for a video game or hobby you have likely experienced how bad a wiki larded down with ads can be.

    I think for myself as someone that has worked as a software engineer for my entire life building out massive infrastructure that is on a similar scale to Wikipedia, I don’t really know how they justify such high development spend when the tech isn’t really evolving very much. I’m sure it’s not cheap to host, so that spend is fine by me, but I’m not sure what all they are building. That doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile, I just have a hard time imagining it.

    I would encourage you to look at numbers and decide if they make sense to you. Also people have written on the subject, so some googling will likely bring you to more opinionated pieces than my own.

  • Really enjoyed Farcry 5 but Farcry 6 was ok gameplay wise but the story was really underwhelming especially with the amazing talent they got in Giancarlo Esposito.

    The real problem with Ubisoft games is that they are all 95% reskins. If you’ve played one farcry game you’ve played most of every farcry game, same with assassins creed, etc.

    Now those games often end up having relatively fun mechanics so when another farcry comes out I’ll still play it because it’s a fun game to me.

    I do wonder how much they are just hitting a saturation point where the same couple games reskinned over and over are just underwhelming

  • First off, I didn’t advocate for anyone to do anything. I asked a question about how not voting helps.

    I don’t expect voting for the Dems to fix the problems we face. I do expect either the Dems or the republicans to win. I think the Dems will give me a slightly more favorable environment to do my organizing work in.

    Voting for the PSL or ML parties doesn’t educate anyone about anything. If I sit down at my kitchen table and mark in PSL or Dem no one knows but me.

    And voting for those parties means I don’t get any say in the environment I will exist in for the next 4 years in which I will do the work of organizing and educating others.

    This is why I’m saying the people here are obsessed with a phony binary choice and are strawmanning the shit out of my position.

    If I came in here and said “everyone vote kamala to bring about communism in America” your points would be valid. Go read what I wrote, I never said that.

    I don’t give one solitary shit who you vote for, I was trying to understand the strategy I’ve heard advocated for in these forums.

  • Yea, so instead of embracing someone that is both doing the organizing and also voting, this community has been awful.

    For a bunch of people so obsessed about organizing the people, maybe take a second to reflect on what a shit tier experience this has been for someone that would be your ally. I’m already doing a bunch of the organizing, and who simply believes that spending one minute to fill out a ballot for the least bad viable candidate is not a bad idea.

    If this group of people are the ones convincing everyday Americans to band together for something better, it’s no mystery why there hasn’t been any traction.

    And I’ll still be your ally because I believe in this cause, but I also believe that throwing my vote away on some fringe third party candidate doesn’t help organize jack shit. And because of that one point you all have just been assholes.

  • I don’t understand why everyone here thinks this is binary. You either vote in the election or do these organizing efforts.

    I’m doing both.

    I’ve worked to unionize my workplaces, successfully and unsuccessfully. I’ve read the theory. I am part of a local mutual aid group that I helped found where we are doing our best to build the awareness and understanding amongst others.

    I’m also going to vote for the only viable candidate that is least likely to use state sanctioned violence to kill the people I’m organizing with.

    What waste of energy? The 1 fucking minute it takes to fill out my ballot that they mail me? That’s the thing you are upset about?

  • I’ve found the core mistake you are all making.

    I can do two things at once

    I can both vote and do those things.

    If someone thinks their only input is voting, fine go after them. I’ve unionized workplaces (both successfully and unsuccessfully), I’ve read the theory, and I’ve worked with my neighbors in building mutual aid and education about leftist ideas.

    I’m still going to vote strategically for the party least likely to use the state sanctioned violence against my organizing efforts.

    And if the reception I’ve received here as someone who would be sympathetic to your cause and who is actually working towards trying to achieve better results is any indication, this will never happen. I have been downvoted, belittled, and insulted.

    Good fucking job on the solidarity everyone.

  • So explain it.

    I’m sure it feels great up on that high horse to look down on the unwashed masses and tell them “you just don’t understand”

    I’ve read Marx, I would love the system to be better. I’m not the vote blue demographic. I’m a human being living in America who understands how the current system of government works and the deep and inherent flaws in this system.

    What does not-voting do to change anything? No one seems to be able to answer that simple question.

    I get that voting doesn’t fix it. Does not-voting fix it? If not then why do you care if people vote or not? What actually fixes it and why does that thing give a shit whether or not people vote?

  • I agree, there are much better systems of democracy. I’m not blind to that and I don’t think America is exceptional, far from it.

    How does “not voting” bring about this better system? What’s the plan? Do I just not vote and keep not voting and then someone comes by and says “hey, we are the people with all the power, we noticed you guys stopped voting so now we’ve decided that we should have a more fair proportional allotment of representatives and we will draw districts with the shortest split line algorithm to prevent gerrymandering”

    Is that what happens? Does my awareness that better systems exist somehow make them appear here? Does it somehow wrestle control from those with power who made this system to perpetuate this power and will defend it with violence? Do they just give up because enough of us don’t vote?