• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Sailing7@lemmy.mltoich_iel@feddit.orgich🪒iel
    6 days ago

    Kann hier empfehlen, nicht den rasierschaum ausser sprühdose. Ist meist zu sehr aufgsschäumt und weicht null deine haare auf.

    Hingegen so eine rasierseife, die man mit nem pinsel aufschäumt geht schon besser und man spart sich das ganze gas und alu - und bekommt plastik. Aber immerhin.

  • Sailing7@lemmy.mltoich_iel@feddit.orgich🐸iel
    12 days ago

    Hui seit dem dürfte sich einiges getan haben. Sicherlich den besuch wert.

    In der Nähe vom HBF gibts ein Hotel von Premier Inn. Stabiler preis, entspannt nah und den geilsten Osaft zum frühstück hmmmmmm

    // not paid sponsorship just absoluter stammkunde von der hotelkette…

  • Sailing7@lemmy.mltoich_iel@feddit.orgich🚘iel
    16 days ago

    Lächerlich. GeT oN MY LEveL.

    Hab bei meiner Zweitkarrre der Karre meiner Partnerin es einfach bisher nicht geschafft mich zu motivieren die Sommerreifen drauf zu machen.

    Die karre steht seit Mai still und wird planmäßig erst wieder im Oktober bewegt.

    Faulheit dribbelt alles. (Und ich hab besseren grip im Winter vermutlich +10°C Warmen winter… wenn ichs mir recht überlege - vielleicht sind ganzjahresreifen doch nicht so schlecht ^)

  • Get ya point mate. Just to answere your question:

    Nope didn’t so far. But looked into the prices for personal interest.

    The cheap Homesurveilliance stuff - sure cheapest sensors you have seen.

    But the expensive stuff? Sensors are actually decent, often coppled with optical zoom.

    But none of those are super expensive in the making I believe. The devices promise of delivering and not having any downtime in harsh environments is the relevant price maker.

    But tbf the whole area of surveilliance is filled with overpriced shit.

    Nonetheless, one that dismantles such appliances would have to pay those stupid prices for compensation. Hence the heads up.

  • Sailing7@lemmy.mltohmmm@lemmy.worldhmmm
    3 months ago

    Jesus, i saw that picture and thought

    well murica and their anti pedestrian street designs

    Then read your comment.

    Checked the picture.

    Zoomed in. there is text.

    in disbelief

    thats actually a german crossing.

    Got angry and dumbfounded at the same time.

    What piece of shit is this crossing?!

    Towards whatever Communityplanners on meth that did this: Fix this shit!

  • Nah, probably not. All routers you can buy today will route and by default have their firewall active. Make sure, auto-updates are activated on your router.

    Check your server OS’ses and the Software running on them for updates on a regular basis - since they are partially made available to the public and are potential attack vectors.

    Though if you only port-forwarded a couple ports that dont include the RDP port or something wildly stupid, you should be safe.

    Follow some best practises as:

    • try to dont run your Gameserver Software as administrator but instead with a account with as low privileges as possible.
    • update your OS’ses, Softwares and Router/FW Appliance.

    Don’t let yourself fool by the guys telling ya to setup a full fledged firewall system when you obviously don’t even know basic networking. You would be overwhelmed by the configurationpossibilities.

    If you want to dangle your foot in some cold water - try em out and put some machines behind them to learn what behaves how. But dont make em your only protection against the public internet when you don’t know basic networking stuff.

    Happy Sailin’ matey!