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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • it takes a very long time to make a kit. Drawing board to the 1st release is 12-18 months…

    - Designers need to come up with several concepts.

    -Adidas, Arsenal and marketing firms then approve what will become kits, training, travel and culture wear.

    -submit to the league for approvals.

    - build prototypes and do some testing to make sure they don’t fall apart.

    - change over the factory’s in Asia.

    - source new materials and build up supply chain.

    - Start making inventory so there is stock for the kit launch.

    - Move inventory to UK and North America.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the drawing for the 25/26 kits are already made.

  • It depends on the club and depends on the Cup.

    back in the 90’s and early 2000’s the tops clubs did everything in their powers to fall out of the league cup ASAP. They usually did this by fielding an extremely weak team of youth players, reserves or bench players.

    Wenger’s Arsenal made this obvious because they usually bowed out of the league cup in the first round.

    If you are a top club its just not sustainable to play in 3 or 4 comps with a 25 man roster.

    with that said, lower teams will make a run at the League Cup because it is a chance of silver wear and a place in Europe.

    But all teams usually make an effort to advance in the FA CUP.

  • We need refs that aren’t fat.

    it seems like this group of officials are all carrying around an extra 20lbs. they all have a spare tyre around their waist.

    I thought they were suppose to be professionals? how can you chase down 22, 20’something peak fitness Gazelles for 90minutes when you are luging two bowling balls under your top?

    Some of these officials aren’t leaving the centre circle. its a joke.

    there are studies, when you are exhausted and out of breath you might as well be dunk.

  • The full 90 minutes of the Manchester United v Arsenal game, October 2004 that ended arsenal’s unbeaten run.

    Mike Riley is a corrupt official. Referees in Italy were watching that game saying to themselves “Wow, this guy is cooking!!!, he isn’t even trying to hide it”

    Manchester United should had seen the following:

    Neville and/or Rooney off with two yellows. They were just kicking Reyes for 90 minutes.

    Rio F with a straight red for a clumbsy last man challenge on Ljungberg.

    Ruud Van N, straight red. Studs into knee tackle on Ashley Cole.

    It was a disgusting game to watch.

    The fact that Mike Riley ran the PMGOL for almost 15 years is all you need to know about the state of officiating today. Howard Webb has a big clean up thanks to Riley.