That has some rather disturbing implications for Linux.
Extra-external Medicine.
ICE is jerks.
(Posted from the DHS wifi)
20 uninterrupted minutes of the sound of nails being dropped down a factory staircase
He saw what was going on, went back outside and made a whip, then brought it back in and went after all four cheeks.
How deep in denial of being trailer trash do you have to be to wear gold pearls?
Name your character Totoro for invincibility in all Fromsoft games.
Your daughters scheme against you, your horses have escaped.
That off-center concourse is giving me the grits.
One state with 200 representatives and 1/3rd of the electoral votes… smart.
Based on the username, something industrial would have been my first guess.
“Moron Rediscovers Constellations”
Well, it is the only part of the armistace they haven’t violated yet.
Ten fingers and toes.
That task force comes with some jazzy brown uniforms.
And in pineapples.
Actually, it’s $1 billion in NERF weapons.
“President Musk, seen here with his husband and Commander-in-Chief, Elon Musk…”