…I’m saying that I’d keep it charged. And after it’s full, it would get put in the trunk. Once it gets used or is getting below half, it would get charged. Not leaving it in the trunk indefinitely after purchase.
Keeping it charged wouldn’t be an issue (and I’d just leave it in the trunk for emergencies) but yea I’m leaning towards the solo air compressor and then just sticking with my cables. The combo packs are expensive and heavy, the lithium ones die and only last a few years etc etc. I’m just worried about a nightmare scenario on like a road trip or something where I’m in a low population area, but it’s unlikely.
I’ll be moving next year and the lowest temps I’ll see are about 20 F, so a bit below freezing.
I’m honestly thinking of just sticking with cables as I don’t plan to go anywhere remote… but not having to interact with anyone/wait is appealing
What do you think of just cracking the pan a bit and just tossing them in tho xd i spent the whole day with the trans fluid, front brakes and drum brake replacements, I just wanna do my bleed tomorrow and some minor other stuff (last radiator hose, thermostat, air intake boot) 😭😭😭
The OEM magnets are weak, tiny pathetic things honestly lol either my trans is good or the magnets were dogshit. Here’s a vid if you wanna take a quick look at them. I might just get a $10-15 magnet and tape that shit on.