I’m going to use this on my neice this summer!
Hehehehe, I hope I remember this 5 months from now.
I’m going to use this on my neice this summer!
Hehehehe, I hope I remember this 5 months from now.
“Hello, spotify? I’d like to cancel…well because you don’t know what words mean.”
I like the casket. I don’t so much like the car. So being a matching set doesn’t do anything for me…but the casket is actually pretty awesome looking.
…now can we talk about how/why this guy is driving around the city with his ex wifes corpse?
He’s not advocating for just taxing the rich though. He’s advocating for eliminating the rich. Which he’s part of.
Seriously? You think that’s the worst house in America? There’s not even pictures of the inside because long term tenants live there.
Thats not a bad area. Thats W.46 between Storer and Clark. I could open zillow again, and try to find some of those $2,000 dollar houses if you want to see some houses that need repairs. And they’d be in the actual ghetto.
I never said I don’t comprehend the gaps. I’m saying they don’t matter.
Tom is a rich guy, who doesn’t need to work for a living. He lives off the interest in his bank account.
Jeff is a rich guy who doesn’t need to work for a living. He lives off the interest in his bank account.
Bob is a guy who has some savings, but if he stops working he becomes full of debt.
The difference between Tom and Jeff are the number of decimal points in their bank accounts. The difference between them and Bob is that Bob doesn’t work to maintain an image, or run a company. Bob works because he HAS TO.
The second you have the ability to quit your job, and not impact your ability to live, is when you’re rich.
Sure, there’s a big gap between having a few billion, and having a few million if you look at numbers. There is no difference however with you being required to work. Thats why the gap doesn’t matter.
I wouldn’t call 44th and Clark BFE.
If anything, I’d have to check the map, and make sure Daves is as close as I think, but you could just walk everywhere. Although at his age, maybe he’d need a car. But the neighborhood is very drivable. It’s not like you’re out in the sticks.
I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of this Ohio Buckeyes championship!!!
…I never understood that line. Like, why wouldn’t the people deserve a hero?
Of coarse, that’s assuming you take the movies POV, and think of Batman as the hero.
I mean, I don’t. But if you think he’s the hero of the movie, why would gotham not deserve him?
And in Luigis case, I DO think of him as the hero of the story. But I also think we deserve him.
So, I never got that phrase.
I never bitched about him. I’ve said the same thing over and over and over. The comment was about context of why he’s saying to eat the rich, when that’s him.
He’s ABSOLUTELY rich! The rest of what you said isn’t really on topic, and I don’t disagree with it, but he IS rich.
In other news, Lake Erie is still haunted by ghost pirates that nobody cares about.
I’m saying that gap doesn’t matter. At that point, it’s just numbers. It’s like a high score as opposed to meaningful currency that dictates your life. I never said he’s the richest. I said he’s rich, and his whole thing is “destroy the rich”.
But thats him.
Thats the whole point of the original comment. I can’t figure out WHAT his motivation is, when his entire career is him basically saying “DESTROY ME! I SHOULDN’T HAVE THIS MUCH MONEY! NOBODY SHOULD!”
…but whys HE saying that. Like I could understand if he made like 30k a year, and had a few thousand in savings. But he’s the image of who’s he’s trying to turn the torches on. Is it intentional? Does he not realize?
Meanwhile, people read the innitial comment I made, and are defending him by saying he’s not the problem.
Which completely misses the point.
Oh I never said he wasn’t humble. I’m just confused by his motivations behind saying to eat the rich…ya know…because that’s him.
You’re saying to me that Bernie Sanders is in the 1%, but not the 0.01% so it doesn’t count as rich. That’s REALLY your arguement here?
$900,000 x .02 = $18,000 ÷ 12 = 1,500.
$1,500 every month, no rent, no mortgage, no electric bill. Basically means you’re paying taxes, insurance, water, gas, phone/internet. I’ll just round that off at $600. Means $900 a month after bills. All without working.
You telling me that ain’t rich?
He doesn’t have to work. The comment was that he could buy a house, buy solar, and never have to do anything again.
You’re missing the point entirely.
He could be adolph hitler, he could the most pure kind person who’s ever lived. Either way, your monetary value has no context on how or why you have the money. Nobody is argueing if he’s good at heart.
My comment was that I never know how to react to HIM saying eat the rich, when he’s rich.
You’re trying to bring politics and emotions into this. That was never the conversation.
Oh, they don’t care about that. That’s not an issue to them.