• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • My top ones:

    DuckDuckGo - may not be as private as they claim, but has been my go-to for years. Simple, but feature-full and still mostly decent for search.

    Marginalia - a search engine that favors text heavy websites, perfect for research

    Searx instance - not my main due to how spotty the instances can be and lazy to set up mine. But can basically grab stuff from all the “big” search engines, which saves a lot of time. I don’t consider it a godsend like most people do, though. As since big engines can give poor results.

    frogfind - a duckduckgo interface meant for older computers that converts webpages to basic html. Perfect for news articles and tutorials where you want to skip the “fluff”.

  • I’m no longer in the sadness stage of grief, now I am angry. I have thought of all the stupid things they’ve done since I joined in 2018

    First they made the awful new layout

    Then they promised to implement css in new reddit, only to never do so

    Then they introduced too many award variations, and made it so people could get them for free, removing what value the awards had.

    Then they made customizable snoos, which while cute were uneccesary.

    Then they introduced, barely advertised, then killed reddit cspan. Never heard of it? Can’t blame you!

    Then the introduced NFT avatars.

    Then they did that awful april fools arg that was so hidden only a few did it and those who found the answer found it on discord. Also the answer was reddit was run on a literal potato which seems to be truer by the day.

    Then they did this API shit.

    During all that time where they could have introduced features that were useful to their app and fixing up the cruft with new reddit, they slaked off in order to increase profits. Only two features that were useful were ever introduced during 2018 - 2023: polls and gallery uploads. That’s it.

    So I am sad for the communities, but reddit itself? Nah.

  • It’s complicated. joined in 2018 right before they introduced new reddit and even back then there was a stigma reddit was “getting bad”. However, reddit has been the best place for me to discover new things and the niche communities and interests were really great. I use an extension (that will surely die alongside the 3rd party apps) to find reddit comments associated with any youtube video that made my browsing really great.

    The thing that makes me most upset is how they pulled out the rug from so many people and then acted like it was the people on top of the rug’s fault it was pulled.