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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t use joystick + gyro, mixing vector input with absolute input is janky af. Trackpad + gyro? Works brilliantly.

    You can make it work but you’ll want to do one of these things:

    • learn flickstick, this turns joystick into a direct mapping of joystick angle to character angle. works better than traditional joystick for use with gyro
    • activate gyro on a button hold like left trigger (usually aim down sights in FPS). In this approach what you’re essentially doing is either using joystick or gyro depending on whether you’re just moving around or deliberately aiming.

    Also if you are going with the general joystick + gyro always on method make sure gyro is setup to deactivate when your thumb is off the joystick. This gives you a way to reset the origin point of the gyro.

    If the small movements of the deck are moving around your aim too much unintentionally just lower the sensitivity of gyro, and try out trigger damping, this will semi deactivate the gyro during trigger press, because a trigger press is usually the biggest cause of sudden unintentional gyro movement.

  • I generally find 30fps more acceptable because of the types of games I’m playing at 30fps. If I’m playing on a handheld/with controller then I’m certainly not playing FPSs, so I don’t notice as much. If I’m sat at my desk with keyboard and mouse then I probably am playing something like an FPS and then it would really matter. I’d say the issue with lower framerates is most apparent with camera movement so if you’re playing a third person or a top down game etc. where you don’t move the camera as much/not at all, it’s not as big of a deal lowering framerate.

    Having said all that I still consider framerate the most important factor and will always prefer worse graphics over lower framerate.

  • Anyone reading this who hasn’t updated yet, I’d avoid updating if you can. It’s broken the fixed colour profile and the boosted vibrancy mode. My deck is back to washed out colours. Didn’t actually realise how well the vibrancy update worked until I lost it lol. Tried switching back to beta and stable etc and nothings working, in fact the colour adjustment option is now just missing from the display setting page entirely. Wait til they fix before updating.