Can someone please dox these guys?
Can someone please dox these guys?
I mean, it either starts because nobody in power is listening or because people have already been stripped of what they’re afraid to lose.
Can the budget include special provisions like, “Only an act of Congress can put a hold on or divert funds that are allocated by this budget”? Penalties need to apply to regular employees as well.
As I once heard a neuroscientist say, our brains are built to understand, not to remember. Find ways to relate the material to things you already know.
Damon T. Hininger still their CEO? Asking for a friend.
That “official acts” rule is gonna do a lot of heavy lifting.
How do we sue Congressmen for not doing their fucking jobs?
Jigsaw: In front of you is a button that can launch over an dozen nuclear warheads. You have…
Elon: (smacks button)
Jigsaw: HOLY SHIT!!!
Uh, I don’t think he’s talking about exile in the traditional sense. Sounds more like outsourcing prisons to other nations.
Wow! Pretty much the “who’s who” of companies I don’t trust!
The concern should be “Why is the President trying to do my fucking job?”
Up to three things now I can name that aren’t insane or 100% self-serving:
$85 million is peanuts to the Federal Government, but cash in general is becoming quite outmoded and nobody may even notice if new bills and coins were only minted every other year.
Same. Gotta stick with stock unfortunately because mine is also a work phone and they don’t allow rooted devices.
Given the contest only happens every 4 years, post-election audits should be automatic.
Never too late to stop fascism. Too late to stop it without a lot of literal blood, sweat, and tears? Oh yeah.
Really took the wind out of my satirical comment that Musk wanted to bring back the Pinto.
As one Hitler associate explained the Hitler-Hugenberg dynamic: “Hugenberg had everything but the masses; Hitler had everything but the money.”
Sounds eerily familiar no?
The scariest part of this article is how nonchalant business seemed to be about the new regime. “Pfizer now in forced clinical trials to cure blindness through new injection – ‘We expect to see our first survivor of the procedure any day now’”
Until they stop admitting to voting for Trump or start outright saying, “We fucked up,” this is just nitpicking his priorities.
While true, this is pretty much gonna happen anyway. Next census, if the GOP is still in control they’ll exclude non-citizens from the counts and pretty much make up numbers. Who knew the entire West Coast was 30% non-citizen!
At this point, I could see Republicans actually passing this. They’d be fine seeing rapes increase if it meant more babies.