I mean objectively they could’ve pretty much had any player that was available for trade this off season and ended up doing absolutely nothing I don’t understand what was Pat Riley’s thought process genuinely

  • RVAIsTheGreatest@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    Let’s answer this in a few months. The season hasn’t begun. It’s an open question. On paper, Miami had their opportunity to appreciably upgrade their talent level and didn’t do so. But we know from history Pat Riley will not OK a move that isn’t on his terms. He’s going to do things his way and has his process and analysis on every decision this organization makes.

    It’s worked up to this point. They were within an inch two years ago of making 3 finals in 4 years. It’s working, but they haven’t won a title with this group yet. We’ll see if it can work this season and if they can cross that final threshold.