I mean objectively they could’ve pretty much had any player that was available for trade this off season and ended up doing absolutely nothing I don’t understand what was Pat Riley’s thought process genuinely

  • BOBANSMASH51@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    The Mavs are going to waste another year of Luka. Hope I’m wrong but they STILL don’t have a legitimate established center on the roster with Luka despite that being a blatant obvious need the entire time. Lively can be good but he’s a rookie so he’s gonna take his lumps. Going into this season with Powell as the backup center is inexcusable.

    They picked up some decent role players in Curry and Exum, but it just looks another season where they’re undersized and going to get bodied in the paint with Luka getting beat up trying to do too much. Really hope Josh Green and Jaden Hardy go nuclear this year.