The dude was a good CB, and could have been great with a bit of luck. He came back from that huge injury and was legit our best CB for a bit. He then got moved to RB during the great FB drought and he sucked at that which killed his confidence, then he did his shoulder and that was GG. Its notable that of all the names mentioned there, only JD had a respectable career after Arsenal.
Back to the OP, I can’t believe MikaelfuckingSilvestre isn’t an option because he is always the right answer.
Hey there, JD defence force coming through.
The dude was a good CB, and could have been great with a bit of luck. He came back from that huge injury and was legit our best CB for a bit. He then got moved to RB during the great FB drought and he sucked at that which killed his confidence, then he did his shoulder and that was GG. Its notable that of all the names mentioned there, only JD had a respectable career after Arsenal.
Back to the OP, I can’t believe Mikael fucking Silvestre isn’t an option because he is always the right answer.