What role? Clinton works at Columbia now. It’s a matter of fact nonetheless that former officials are often called back to discuss things they have special knowledge of, let alone a Secretary of State of eight years. Would that be used now? No, because Donald Trump is a petulant fucking moron who does whatever braindead, evil, impulsive shit he wants. Would it if we had a competent president? Almost certainly, yes. I’m aware of the principle of least privilege; it does not apply here. It’s especially useful to have in a time of crisis because procedures still need to be followed, and getting clearance takes time. If you need that information right now but their clearance is revoked, you’re screwed.
Donald Trump being an absolute moron and refusing to ever use her expertise isn’t a valid reason to revoke her clearance.
You need to have a clearance to communicate classified information. Asking her a question about something classified would likely reveal information that can’t be transmitted to an uncleared person. As an uncleared person, she can’t say anything classified even to someone who has a current clearance.
What role? Clinton works at Columbia now. It’s a matter of fact nonetheless that former officials are often called back to discuss things they have special knowledge of, let alone a Secretary of State of eight years. Would that be used now? No, because Donald Trump is a petulant fucking moron who does whatever braindead, evil, impulsive shit he wants. Would it if we had a competent president? Almost certainly, yes. I’m aware of the principle of least privilege; it does not apply here. It’s especially useful to have in a time of crisis because procedures still need to be followed, and getting clearance takes time. If you need that information right now but their clearance is revoked, you’re screwed.
Donald Trump being an absolute moron and refusing to ever use her expertise isn’t a valid reason to revoke her clearance.
I’m unclear why she needs a security clearance in order to be interviewed about things she remembers from her time in office
You need to have a clearance to communicate classified information. Asking her a question about something classified would likely reveal information that can’t be transmitted to an uncleared person. As an uncleared person, she can’t say anything classified even to someone who has a current clearance.