And the lie of someone getting knocked on the head and passing out for an hour. If you’re unconscious for that long after a head injury, then you’re not going to wake up again.
While it’s never happened in my presence, I can envision someone seeing some else get knocked out and going “Ah, they’ll wake up in an hour or so.” And not phoning an ambulance.
And the whole trope where one good guy knocks out another good guy to prevent themselves in harm’s way. Like, my brother in Christ, you probably just killed them.
The biggest lie tv told me was how much quicksand would feature in my life.
That, and the Bermuda triangle.
I can’t believe we’re ignoring the danger posed by the Bermuda Triangle
I think it was mainly methane
Woow what a great article!
In fairness it’s in Bermuda. That’s quite far.
And the lie of someone getting knocked on the head and passing out for an hour. If you’re unconscious for that long after a head injury, then you’re not going to wake up again.
This is such a dangerous lie.
While it’s never happened in my presence, I can envision someone seeing some else get knocked out and going “Ah, they’ll wake up in an hour or so.” And not phoning an ambulance.
And the whole trope where one good guy knocks out another good guy to prevent themselves in harm’s way. Like, my brother in Christ, you probably just killed them.
Yeah all those guys are dead in real life, and not because they got hit by a really hard punch…