Craig’s analysis cuts to the heart of the matter: these aren’t just isolated incidents of powerful figures attempting to silence critics. Rather, it’s a calculated strategy that corrupts both legal processes and public discourse. By wrapping censorship in the language of free speech protection, these actors have found a way to make their suppression efforts appear legitimate—and much of the media has struggled to effectively challenge this framing.

Sort of like the suppression of “degenerate” artwork in a well-know former regime. Hrm.

    1 month ago

    They are leaning extra hard on political correctness already. The very thing they railed against before. Everything is always a projection. It is why thieves are always so quick to point out how everyone else must be stealing.

      1 month ago

      Even back in the 90s, when they were bleating on about “political correctness” the most [1], it was easy to point out that the hard right bitching about “political correctness” are the most concerned about enforcing the politically correct “norms” that they assumed everyone should be conforming to due to their unwarranted privilege.

      Take the pledge - they screamed everyone should be adding the politically correct “under god” that was later added because of them being snowflakes during one of the many red scares. They also insisted kids needed to be doing it in schools, or else. This, even as they were working to erode public schools forever with “choice”. See how they act about how people talk about foreign adventures being carried out and how we are insulting “the troops” [2] to question these foreign adventures. See how they act when they are confronted with basic historical facts about the United States they uncomfortable with, whether it’s about the real history of slavery, the Civil War, or more recent things like how our CIA worked to end democracies in other countries for the enrichment of United States corporations. See how they act when they are confronted with the simple and obvious fact that this country was not founded on xtianity, we are not a xtian nation, and no one else has to be forced to listen to the rules of their little book club.

      This last sentence especially is one that absolutely infuriates so many of them; if you want to see a NatC go fully politically correct, just unloosen the facts about xtianity and the United States on them and stand back and watch.

      [1] Of course, they just swapped the terms around. Talking about “PC” tended to wear off; they needed a new high. PC is now methadone compared to “DEI” and “woke”. A short while ago it was “CRT”. Of course, all of this is just code for the N-word, and the F-word and other epithets, which they so crave being able to say in polite company again.

      [2] But donvict gets a pass to insult the troops at every turn, just like the Republiqon politicians get a pass to fuck over veterans for decades now…but don’t you dare criticize a war of aggression being done by the United States on another country - those precious “troops” might keel over to hear such talk.