Ok, so I can’t even decide which one of the multiple ideas I had while wrapping presents to post, so I’m just making a combined post. These are all TOO good to not share.

Cat Baths - If your hot water tank ever goes out, and you can’t take a shower, you call Cat Baths. The former cast of the broadway musical Cats comes over and licks you clean.

Husky and the Husband (working title) - A christmas movie where two people switch bodies…except it’s not two people. It’s one person, and one dog. So now this mid 40s married father of 3 is in the body of a Husky, and the Husky is in the body of the father. Now I know you’re expecting the other characters to just see the dad acting odd but not know what is going on. Then a series of unlikely situations to cover up what’s happening. I’m going to go a different route on this one. Everybody INSTANTLY is able to tell that the husband has become a husky, but nobody is able to figure out that the husky and the husband have switched. They’re confused why suddenly the husband is acting like a husky. Meanwhile the husband is TRYING to yell at them what’s happening, but all they hear is a husky acting like a husky. And then the husband starts hearing all the OTHER huskys in the city. It turns out, it’s ALL husbands who now live in the body of huskys.

Donkey Kong Weight Loss Service - If you’re trying to lose weight, just call this service and a massive gorilla will kidnap your wife, and climb up some construction scaffolding. Forcing you to climb this scaffolding to save your wife while dodging the flaming barrels he throws at you. All of this is pretty body intensive, and gives you a huge workout…and you’ll be extra motivated to do it, because if you don’t save your wife a giant gorilla will throw your wife from 40 stories up to the ground.

Drinking buddies - You call this service if you want a bunch of guys to show up at your house at 1am drunk, and force you to drink 2 gallons in 30 minutes to catch up.

Marriage cards - It’s a deck of cards, except instead of numbers and suites, it’s commands, and years. You can give your spouse a card, and they’ll take a hole punch and punch out the current year. Thus suggesting they’ve already used that card this year. With commands like “Shut up before you say something stupid” “Take off your pants, and enjoy what I’m about to do to you” “Just wear this outfit just for tonight” “Do the dishes tonight…naked” “Go yell at the neighbors” “Get rid of the kids…but not in a murdery way. Just for tonight” “Drink less” “You cook tonight” “Wash the dog” “Wash the god” “Drink more” “At least TRY the lasagna” and my favorite “Chain yourself naked to the bed with your legs spread, I’m inviting over everyone we know”.

Compliment a hobo - This one’s self explanatory.

  • Theo@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I have a wife, but this would require her consent so how about to lose weight the ‘gorilla’ has my paycheck so if I want it, I need to still complete the obstacles.

  • Today@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Thanks for sharing.

    I’ll pass on cat baths.

    This sounds like a good sequel to the Shaggy DA.

    Good idea, but fear of heights. Have you seen the app Zombies! Run!? I think that would be effective if you could hire zombies to actually chase you.

    Marriage cards sound pretty good, but a few cards might get ‘lost’.

    Not sure what to compliment, but i do try to be generally kind to all strangers. Unless they’re doing something mean or irritating.